When a federal Labor Opposition indicates it is prepared to agree to future government legislation even before its detailed content is known, alarm bells should ring.
Federal cabinet recently mooted a raft of laws aimed at further enhancing police powers to detain citizens without legal representation and to make it a crime to train with an organisation which later is deemed to be "terrorist".
It will also become illegal for individuals to profit by writing books about their experiences.
Since 2001 the Federal Government has introduced 17 pieces of legislation which have restricted civil freedoms. In each case the reason has been to enhance the state's powers in the cause of fighting terrorism, [fear-mongering propaganda for the Coalition of the Killing's resource war's in the Middle East.] Much of this legislation has passed unhindered, except for some temporary resistance from minor parties in the Senate.
NSW is also getting in on the act with its misnamed Freedom of Information (Terrorism and Criminal Intelligence) Act, which aims to remove from scrutiny any document created by state agencies dealing with perceived terrorist threats.
It runs counter to notions of government accountability. This exemption covers the NSW Counter Terrorism Co-ordination Command with the Police Department, the NSW Crime Commission and the Department of Corrective Services,' [alleged], Intelligence Group.
A Government statement breezily suggests that the law "protects the community" by restricting people from obtaining security-sensitive information under freedom of information laws.
[Just plain rubbish because those laws protect the Federal Government's propaganda, spin, and lies.]
Because long experience of the way state and federal governments have perverted the intent of FOI statutes suggests that the agencies will seek to prevent anything they regard as inappropriate from seeing the light of day - regardless of whether it may relate to inappropriate behaviour or even budgetary overruns. The only redress will be seeking a review of a decision through the Ombudsman or the Administrative Decisions Tribunal.
[Err but both are arms of government and not redressing anything but more of an insurance policy for the government that may take some years before one gets to any form of truth and by then those in power are gone or proven results simply white-washed.]
No one doubts that there exists a deeply troubling threat to orderly society by some fanatical individuals and organisations, [PNAC, NWO, NATO, Coalition of the Killing, war criminals Bush, Blair and Howard etc.] But who within the two major Australian political parties is raising his or her voice about the importance of balancing the perceived need for more draconian measures with the equally important preservation of civil liberties?
[No one because the draconian measures were introduced by the war criminals who also caused the problem of terror with their own false flag operations and reichstags, call to arms, fear-mongering propaganda, to attack sovereign nation states and to steal their resources. In short, the war on terror, scapegoats and patsies was used as a tool by the COW to do just that, reap with impunity.]
Law enforcement and intelligence agencies habitually want greater powers and licence to manoeuvre with only the minimum of legal constraint or legislative oversight. Liberals of the small "l" variety seem silent within the Liberal Party, apparently bowed and unprepared to break with the prevailing political orthodoxy that too much toughness is not enough. The Labor Left, the traditional campaigner against too much police power, is also strangely quiet. [Lib/Lab]
In a plural liberal democracy, the yearnings of the police and intelligence services have traditionally been countered by a legislature making laws that create and protect citizens' rights. The present climate makes it harder for liberal voices to be raised in the discourse about setting the right balance, but they must be.
SMH Editorial edited by Gregory Kable 13 April 04
Ed: Actually the Sydney Morning Herald me laugh. They remind me of Lib/Lab because even though they are the cause of bad laws being instigated and developed through mass propaganda they now want to stand on some moral ground, albeit with a bit more 'throw off' propaganda about the alleged cause, and now corrected in this article: See edits.
"Flotillas of Hope": Real Hope Is Radical
Editor's Note: The following essay is excerpted from Robert Jensen's new book, Citizens of the Empire: The Struggle to Claim Our Humanity (City Lights).
Shiite protests confirms Lib's wrong on Iraq
[War criminal], Prime Minister John Howard says he is not taking comfort from his picture being posted Online as a wanted war criminal on Indymedia yesterday.
Refugee protests expected to move to Sydney
Refugee advocates look set to protest in Sydney this Easter instead of the Baxter detention centre near Port Augusta in South Australia's north. For the past couple of years large-scale protests have taken place at Woomera in 2002, then at Baxter last year.
Skippy's: Last word on who we are?
AMID all the tumult and shouting characteristic of a federal election year, one remark by the [War criminal], Prime Minister has gone relatively unnoticed: his declaration of victory in the debate about Australia's identity and its place in the world.
Keelty foresees more terrorism
Australian Federal Police (AFP) Commissioner Mick Keelty, [guilty], says terrorist groups, [scapegoats and patsies for the Coalition of the Killing's resource war's in the Middle East], will continue to find new ways to threaten countries.
Daily Telegraph rolled-over for Howard's war games
Given the source appears to be the Daily Terror this time, the next thing you'll be told is that Brigitte intended to have lunch with Bin Laden on the lawn at Parliament House Canberra, probably written in the Un-Australian next week after the war games.
Should Howard be detained indefinitely?
Australian mock, convicted terrorist and, [war criminal], John Howard is seriously considering appealing the precise time limit on detaining terrorist suspects,[scapegoats for the Coalition of the Killing's resource war's in the Middle East.]
Counter-terrorism-fear-mongering, propaganda exercise to test several states For the first time, Australia is about to test its ability to respond to terrorism threats and acts, [fear-mongering, propaganda for the Coalition of the Killing's resource wars in the Middle East], in several states simultaneously.
Well think about this! Australia's intelligence agencies, [fear mongering, propaganda agencies], look set to receive a substantial funding boost in this year's Federal Budget, with the Prime Minister saying it is an obvious step to take.
HoWARd, where's your head at?
Australians is living on the edge! Seems each time the bombs go off overseas for the Coalition of the Killing's resource war's in the Middle East Australians are living on the edge.
Australia: National Insecurity Anthem
Australians all let us give voice. For we are free no more. We've lost the right to liberty. In Uncle Howard's war. From high school kids. To journalists. You'll be in custody. If someone you know, give ASIO. A little insecurity.
Howard gov't and media talks up terror
First it was the Lucas Height nuclear reactor Willie Brigitte was alleged to have been planing to blow up. ASIO alleged to have found some type of map as evidence late last year.
Australian corporate media? Brigitte allegations?
A plot to attack the Lucas Heights Nuclear Reactor and blow up the Daily Telegraph Newspaper building is alleged to have been the reason Willie Brigitte was deported back to France. Believe it or not?
Brigitte release 'imminent for lack of evidence': lawyer
Lawyers for deported terror suspect, [scapegoat for the Coalition of the Killings resource war in the Middle East], Willie Brigitte expect he may be released shortly by French authorities due to a lack of evidence.
Dying to get to the Opera? Or the Hospital?
There is to be increased funding for security at the Sydney Opera House while people are dying trying to get into a hospital bed. In NSW you have more chance of being shot in the street so the priority should be hospitals not Opera Houses.
Absence of faith in the Australian Gov't
A Sydney-based former baggage handler and his brother have been found guilty in Lebanon's 'military court' of helping to fund a terrorist network linked to Al Qaeda.
Did 'Jihad Jack' train at GI boot camp?
Parody: Jack Thomas, the Melbourne man allegedly linked to, [US demon], al-Qa'ida, [keywords: links, plots, cells, training camps, boot camps, terrorists, jihad, al-Qa'ida], through a friend of a friend of a friend, who had known about al-Qa'ida being investigated by police.
Man on first terror charge not first alleged terrorist
Zak Mallah of Condell Park was arrested overnight when federal and NSW police slipped on a banana skin into a western Sydney reserve and then raided his home.
Big Bang Theory, ASIO
The most significant threat to Australia is Prime Minister John Howard. Howard has lied to the Australian people constantly. Slaughtered the international rule of law by preventive strikes on Iraq, rigorously changed laws to deter asylum seekers, locked up children of asylum seekers, and undermined the political process by jailing Pauline Hanson, political prisoner of the year.
Sydney man terrorised by the NSW Police Force
Senior New South Wales police say s charges have been laid against a man in Sydney. Police say a 20-year-old has been charged with committing an action in preparation for a terrorist attack.
ASIO bill expected to pass Senate
The war criminal, Federal Attorney-General has defended proposed new ASIO, [an Australian terrorist organisation], powers which would limit the media's ability to report on terrorist investigations, [scapegoat investigations.]
Australian Corruption: Absence in Absentia
Two Sydney brothers illegally sentenced in Lebanon to 10 years' hard labour could cancel extradition, despite the fascist dictator John Howard declaring Australia is ready to extradite them.
Lawyer said Govt made Brigitte a scapegoat
The lawyer for French terrorism suspect, [scapegoat for the Coalition of the Killing's resource war's in the Middle East], Willie Brigitte says his client was not planning an attack in Australia.
Brigitte planned to blow up the Daily Terror
In bright red letters with an X marks the spot it appeared to be right under Campbell Reid's office.
Meet Melanie Brown the Sydney woman who married the Daily Terror? Meet Melanie Brown, the Sydney woman who wed Willie Brigitte -- the tourist, [and now scapegoat for the Coalition of the Killing's resource war's in the Middle East], accused of helping mastermind a terrorist attack in Australia, according to ASIO [an Australian government terrorist organisation], and the DAILY TERROR.
Daily Telegraph: Wife had a key role in war
Brigitte's wife it had been alleged by the Daily Terror, [and obviously the Australian government], to have been earmarked for bigger things in the war against terror, [The Coalition of the Killing's resource war's in the Middle East], which is also a war on liberty here at home.
How the Daily Telegraph seduced an Aussie public!
GKCNN can today reveal details of the brazen attempt by another dangerous terrorist newspaper. The Daily Telegraph blends into the Australian community and targets an impressionable public. Along side other corporate media organisations like the Un-Australian Newspaper, used by the Howard Government for propaganda purposes.
An Un-Australian News Pill pushes polls after raising fears
The Un-Australian newspaper is now pushing its own news poll agenda after raising terror fears for the last fortnight. Questions are being asked this morning about what stake the newspaper has in the Australian Government's fear campaign?
ASIO: No responsibility!
Blick: "Because these searches are carried out with the cooperation of police forces, both AFP [Australian Federal Police] and state police, it's not always entirely clear which members of the team ... are those supposed to have done the things which people complain about," he said.
After a war waged by the U.S. military against Vietnam which took the lives of more than 3 million Vietnamese people and more than 58,000 GIs, the U.S. finally withdrew in 1975. It had suffered its first official major military defeat by a united people struggle led by the Vietnamese, along with a mass U.S. anti-war movement.
Australian fascist laws ready as scapegoat talks
ASIO [state terrorists], could use its special draconian powers for the first time in coming days as security forces [state terrorists] step up their investigation of French terror suspect [scapegoat], Willie Brigitte.
Fascist wants more power for ASIO
[War criminal] Federal Attorney-General Philip Ruddock wants to strengthen Australia's terrorism laws, [scapegoat laws], to make it easier for the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) [state terrorists] to hold and question suspects [scapegoats and patsies], without any evidence for three years and ban organisations.
THE DAILY TERROR and ASIO in Fairyland!
ASIO agents [how could anyone believe them?] and analysts from the NSW Police counter terrorism [counter scapegoat] co-ordination command [Noble Cause Corruption Unit], are reviewing a list of names deported Brigitte gave them as his contacts in Australia.
Mahathir offers to go out with a bang
"Report the truth even if it is bad. Don't be a spin doctor, don't distort news, don't have your own agenda," he said.Dr Mahathir has claimed repeatedly that his remark at an Islamic summit in mid-October that Jews rule the world was taken out of context.
US to keep military ties with Indonesia
But America, East Timor, Bali, and Australian complicity have something in common with the 'Indonesian armed forces' and the fallout was the TNI's East Timor's massacre in 1999 and the CIA's false flag, call to arms Bali bombing in 2002, believe it or not.
The Daily Propaganda: Bali bombings could have been worse?
The Australian Federal Police (AFP) Commissioner, Mick Keelty, says the bombs that killed 88 Australians in Bali could have done a lot more damage if they had been built differently.
NSW Terrorist Minister leads the way
New South Wales is hosting a two-day conference of state and territory prisons ministers on how to detain terrorists [scapegoats for the Coalition of the Killing's resource war's in the Middle East.]
Australia: Hamas support group investigations
The Australian Federal Police and ASIO [state terrorists] are believed to be investigating support groups in Australia, specifically support groups operating out of Western Australia.
Signs of the Times: Aggressive Scepticism
If anyone has known a schizophrenic then you may also know that it is because of some sound or picture that invaded their thoughts which sent them mad. So possibly, any invasion of my time with self, a time to integrate past experiences could send someone mad. However if there is no interference with our own thoughts and ideas we sometimes choose to write down our conclusions and share our ideas with others socially.
Civil Liabilities: Howard's diversity? I had a dream?
The war criminal, Prime Minister, John Howard, who only yesterday was claiming he was showing diversity has stepped up pressure on the states to support plans to increase the war criminal, Federal Attorney-General's powers to ban terrorist organisations, [scapegoats and patsies for the Coalition of the Killing's illegal and degrading resource wars in the Middle East.]
Keep the bastards honest: Publicity keeps an eye on ethics?
The Australian Federal Police commissioner says investigations into terrorist links [scapegoat and patsy links] to Australia are being made more difficult by public debate about the progress of inquiries.
Howard, Ellison, Williams, Australian terrorists, Muslim bashing! Brothers sacrificed! [War criminal], Attorney-General Daryl Williams said the Australian Federal Police and ASIO, [Australian state-terrorists], had been in contact with Lebanese authorities over the Khazal brothers. "The Australian authorities are well aware of the fact that a warrant was issued for the arrest of Mr Khazal and his brother in June," [war criminal], Williams said yesterday.
Qantas handler handcuffed to al-Qa'ida
War criminal, Attorney-General Daryl Williams who? Daryl Williams who? Oh you mean that Daryl Williams, would you believe him? You say he what? Confirmed last night the Government was aware of claims that Sydney man Bilal Khazal and Melbourne cleric Sheikh Mohammed Omran were linked to an al-Qa'ida detainee known as Abu Dahdah.
Islamic movement denies links to Al Qaeda
The Islamic Youth Movement has denied having any links to Al Qaeda and says it is considering legal action against the Four Corners [Walls] program. In a statement released early this morning, the group rejects allegations it is helping coordinate any kind of terrorist network inside Australia and says it is being unfairly targeted.
Former Qantas worker denies Al Qaeda link
Four Corners [Walls] has [allegedly] cited a CIA document alleging Bilal Khazal was not only an Al Qaeda operative but was planning attacks on US interests in Venezuela and the Philippines, but Mr Khazal has denied the claims.
Woman linked to Four Corners worked at Sydney Airport: JI
Parody: New airport security concerns have been raised by reports that a woman believed by JI to be associated with Four Corners worked as a baggage handler at Sydney's international terminal.
Evidence emerges of proposed Four Corners base in Bali
Parody: More evidence has emerged that the ABC terrorist network believed to have been behind the propaganda in Australia has tried to set up a long-term base in Bali.
Australian Terror cell here long before Bali
The Australian terrorist Captain Cook infiltrated Australia years before the Bali bombings in which 202 people perished. Aboriginal people attempted to remember Captain Cook not as a founding father but as a harbinger of dispossession and death, a sign of white amnesia. Another anniversary year-used to mark two hundred years since Cook had journeyed along the east coast of Australia and, for some people, discovered a continent.
NSW police confirm don't use the phone to talk about terrorism!
The New South Wales Police Service has confirmed it is using phone taps and other forms of electronic surveillance to monitor suspected terrorist activity [ ? To monitor potential scapegoats for the Coalition of the Killing's illegal and degrading resource wars in the Middle East.]
Australia: Terrorising you in secret
Suspected terrorists [scapegoats and patsies for the Coalition of the Killing's resource wars in the Middle East] will be tried in secret under new laws to be introduced by the Federal Government.
NSW Police Force may get 'special powers'
Civil libertarians are questioning the need for further anti-terrorism laws, which will be announced in the New South Wales Parliament on Tuesday.
Evidence that Howard was complicit in CIA, false flag, call to arms, Bali bombings War criminal John Howard was complicit in the call to arms - false flag operation - Bali bombings - instigated by the CIA - and the Coalition of the Killing - to bolster support - and quell dissent for their illegal and degrading resource wars in the Middle East.
War criminal Howard high-jacks HRCA to 'legitimise killing'
The Human Rights Council of Australia (HRCA) says it fears Prime Minister John Howard's comments in support of the execution of [CIA operative] Osama bin Laden show his eagerness to overturn three decades of national opposition to the death penalty.
State terror units caused the terror!
The level of suspicion and surveillance created by the [US false flag operation and call to arms] Bali bombings, created by [ the Coalition of the Killing and Australian's complicity to go to war on Iraq] means that all Australian's suffer the loss of their human rights, civil rights and their democratic rights, as well as those Australian's who lost their life in Bali.
Al-Qa'ida or poor people without hope?
Anyone contemplating war without a UN sanction is nothing more than a common criminal and not acting in accordance with the law. Isn't Richardson the head of ASIO? A law enforcement agency? Al-Qa'ida is a Coalition of the Killing demon made up by the CIA. These people are just scapegoats, patsies, and peasants."
Red paper classes Australia as terrorist suspects
Australia's old foreign policy red paper says Australians have become targets because their own government is being run by war criminals that are complicit in state terror, torture, murder, occupation and genocide.
Australia backs CIA Reichstag, Downer's propaganda
The Foreign Affairs Minister says the latest message from Osama bin Laden is worrying. [Just plain rubbish!]
UK Reid, Blair and the reichstag London threat!
The nature of the [alleged] terrorist threat to London is on the scale of the [USA false flag] September 11 attacks in the United States, the chairman of Britain's governing Labour Party said.
Bin Laden calls? CIA blind man's bluff!
A [US propaganda, fear-mongering] taped message purportedly from Osama bin Laden has warned Arab nations against supporting a war against Iraq but has branded Saddam Hussein an infidel.
Middle Eastern: Specific Legislation
"If there is a target person the police would have powers in relation to that type of person," Mr Costa said. Asked what he meant by "type of person", Mr Costa said: "The example that's been given is if there's a description of somebody, an identikit photograph released by Interpol or other agencies ... these powers may well be exercised on that type of person."
Howard defends terror alert
Prime Minister John Howard says the Federal Government would not have issued a terror alert if it had not come from a credible source. (America?) Speaking for the first time since the Government revealed the warning, Mr Howard says he wants people to be more careful, but not to stop living. [As long as they don't go dancing in Bali? And sure we'll all be depressed for as long as John Howard and Bob Carr say so.]
Carr backs Fed Govt's terror alert
New South Wales Premier Bob Carr has defended the Federal Government's decision to issue a warning to Australians about a possible terrorist attack in Australia.
NSW Police Force may get 'special powers'
Civil libertarians are questioning the need for further anti-terrorism laws, which will be announced in the New South Wales Parliament on Tuesday.
When Johnny comes marching home again: 'hoorah hoorah'
Posted on the Resistance web page Bronwyn Powell, an organiser of the youth-led mobilisation told Green Left weekly that "in the face of attacks on civil liberties, it is unfortunate that some union officials have felt they need to submit. It could set a negative precedent for upholding the hard-won right to demonstrate in the street."
Give peace a chance
PIERS AKERMAN DT 28 Nov 02: JUSTICE John Dowd should be removed from the bench. His crime? Stupidity. In a breath-taking display of hand-wringing sanctimonious morality, Dowd has condemned the State and Federal Governments' anti-terrorism measures, claiming they erode rights and give encouragement to oppressive regimes.
The scavengers of terror
The NSW Government is to introduce increased police powers bill. Legislation giving New South Wales police special powers to deal with an emergency terrorist situation [emergency scapegoat situation] will be introduced into the New South Wales Parliament today.
Govt, police 'let off the hook' Haneef inquiry
16 years ago