This loss was self- inflicted by John Howard the nations leader let there be no doubt about that.
Four months after the [USA, CIA, false flag, call to arms] Bali bombings, in the midst of an unprecedented national security alert, counter-terrorism teams have been set up in all states and territories to capture suspected plotters [scapegoats and patsies.]
[Just plain murder, fear-mongering, reichstag, propaganda, all created by the Coalition of the Killing to bolster support and quell dissent for their illegal and degrading resource war's in the Middle East.]
More than 45 specialist officers in the joint counter-terrorism teams will complement tactical response teams, which deal with hostage, siege and terrorist situations.
The investigative units were foreshadowed last year as part of an overhaul of national security programs.
The teams will be under the command of the Australian Federal Police, which is funding all positions, in an attempt to unite the disparate, and often voluminous, intelligence reports about significant arrests, criminal trends and suspicious transactions.
A NSW Police spokesman said lawyers for the Commissioner, Ken Moroney, signed a memorandum of understanding with the AFP on Tuesday - the last jurisdiction to do so.
Each team will operate under its state's criminal laws.
In NSW, officers will have recourse to the Terrorism (Police Powers) Act, a powerful law passed before Christmas to address perceived loopholes after the [USA, CIA, false flag and call to arms] Bali [reichstag.]
It gives NSW officers, acting on intelligence from the [CIA] AFP and possibly ASIO, the right to conduct raids - or search people, property and vehicles - [fishing expeditions] without having to immediately obtain a warrant. [?]
Using state-based laws also allows operatives to detain suspected terrorists [scapegoats and patsies] for offences [false flag operations and state terror] not obviously related to their more sinister activities. [Nothing, or if anything at all, an alleged thought-crime, no method, at no place and no time.]
In other words if they raid someone's home and they were wrong then they would grab you for anything they can find to prove their case.
Although the AFP is leading the operations, the memorandums stipulate that each team has a board of management to ensure effective use of resources.
Each team will be linked to the AFP's Transnational Crime Co-ordination Centre, a 24-hour response desk - opened last December - aimed at bolstering the sharing of critical terrorism-related information. [Just plain rubbish.]
At a Senate estimates hearing last week, the AFP's Commissioner, Mick Keelty [Guilty], said the joint teams aimed to stop attacks before they occurred. [Just plain rubbish.]
Keelty [Guilty] said the teams were designed to work proactively on the intelligence that arises from federal, state and territory police operations [government operations], as well as from intelligence provided by the Australian intelligence community [CIA].
An official from Austrac - the financial transaction monitoring agency - would support the teams, he said.
Mr Keelty also revealed that international terrorism experts [CIA, FBI, MI5 ] had been seconded to improve investigative techniques and broaden the appreciation of how terrorist cells set up and operate. [Just plain rubbish.]
This includes three officers from London's Metropolitan Police, with possible future attachments from the FBI, as well as German and Dutch agencies.
The formal establishment of the teams comes only days after Australia's security intelligence chief warned that the threat to Australia remained, [he should know he helped creat it] having increased last November after credible, non-specific information [?] of an attack over Christmas.
ASIO's director, Dennis Richardson, said Osama bin Laden would try to use events linked to the Iraq crisis to recruit followers. He also warned that the timing of the war might affect planned terrorist attacks. [Planned false flag operations.]

By You're A Terrorist Feb 20 03
SKIPPY: Propaganda and you guessed it, Sheep shit! Why do you lie like that?
Al-Qa'ida or poor people without hope?
Anyone contemplating war without a UN sanction is nothing more than a common criminal and not acting in accordance with the law. Isn't Richardson the head of ASIO? A law enforcement agency? Al-Qa'ida is a Coalition of the Killing demon made up by the CIA. These people are just scapegoats, patsies, and peasants."
Doom gloom and 'Boom' Downer shakes the room?
"Optimism is better and so is 'constructive feedback' because using constructive feedback means that the negatives also have a role in the construction of a nation. In short we have all the time in world to solve problems properly and that is what our leaders should be focusing on when they decide to inform all Australians. Hey what's the rush?" He said.
Hypocrisy not Democracy? No Blood for Oil!
Howard has refused to back down on the threat of war despite hundreds of thousands of Australians rallying against it. The question is why?
Red paper classes Australia as terrorist suspects
Australia's old foreign policy red paper says Australians have become targets because their own government is being run by war criminals that are complicit in state terror, torture, murder, occupation and genocide.
Australia backs CIA Reichstag, Downer's propaganda
The Foreign Affairs Minister says the latest message from Osama bin Laden is worrying. [Just plain rubbish!]
UK Reid, Blair and the reichstag London threat!
The nature of the [alleged] terrorist threat to London is on the scale of the [USA false flag] September 11 attacks in the United States, the chairman of Britain's governing Labour Party said.
Bin Laden calls? CIA blind man's bluff!
A [US propaganda, fear-mongering] taped message purportedly from Osama bin Laden has warned Arab nations against supporting a war against Iraq but has branded Saddam Hussein an infidel.
The Australian Federal Opposition and Labor Party Leader, Simon Crean, has again warned the U.S. ambassador to stop meddling in Australian politics.
War: Part one The human cost
On the road to Basra, ITV was filming wild dogs as they tore at the corpses of the Iraqi dead. Every few seconds a ravenous beast would rip off a decaying arm and make off with it over the desert in front of us, dead fingers trailing through the sand, the remains of the burned military sleeve flapping in the wind. "Just for the record,'' the cameraman said to me. Of course. Because ITV would never show such footage.
Mandela speaks out against Bush, Blair
Former South African leader Nelson Mandela has lashed out at US President George W Bush's stance on Iraq, saying the US leader has no foresight, and cannot think properly.
All the way with (LPK) Love Peace and Kindness: Dalai Lama
Communication is a two way street. Threats and punishment solve nothing and serve none. In fact it is against the law in most countries to threaten or punish a person.
Hill defends decision to attack Iraq: Step by step?
FEDERAL Defence [War] Minister [Sinister] Robert Hill has defended the government's decision to send troops [ send militia] to the Persian Gulf [ to attack Iraq] in readiness for any [pre-emptive strike that would cause a] conflict with Iraq.
Pleas for peace ring the globe
Anti-war demonstrators turned out in their hundreds of thousands around the world on Saturday to protest against United States military preparations for an invasion of Iraq.
Not too late for Iraq peace, Blix says
But we all know that's rubbish now. The Coalition of the Killing were not seeking WMD in Iraq, they were there for their resource wars. So who gave the 'UN' and Blix the wrong information back then? War criminals!
George Bush's other poodle
John Howard, Australia's PM, is the mouse that roars for America, whipping his country into war fever and paranoia about terrorism within.
US prepares for trade talks with Australia but it's not worth it!
The office of the United States Trade Representative has started formally preparing its negotiating position for the first round of talks on a free trade agreement between Australia and the US.
First strike and you're out!
The ideology of a super loser? John Howard shocks the nation again. A nation who cannot believe Howard's stupidity following his [complicity in the CIA's false flag operation, the Bali bombing.]
UN charter doesn't reflect new self-defence needs: Hill?
The Defence [War] Minister, Robert Hill, says the United Nations' charter needs to be changed to help countries defend themselves against potential threats. [?] [Pre-emptive strikes on soveriegn nation states like Iraq and Afghanistan?]
Australian Propaganda
Middle Eastern: Specific Legislation
"If there is a target person the police would have powers in relation to that type of person," Mr Costa said. Asked what he meant by "type of person", Mr Costa said: "The example that's been given is if there's a description of somebody, an identikit photograph released by Interpol or other agencies ... these powers may well be exercised on that type of person."
Howard defends terror alert
Prime Minister John Howard says the Federal Government would not have issued a terror alert if it had not come from a credible source. (America?) Speaking for the first time since the Government revealed the warning, Mr Howard says he wants people to be more careful, but not to stop living. [As long as they don't go dancing in Bali? And sure we'll all be depressed for as long as John Howard and Bob Carr say so.]
Carr backs Fed Govt's terror alert
New South Wales Premier Bob Carr has defended the Federal Government's decision to issue a warning to Australians about a possible terrorist attack in Australia.
NSW Police Force may get 'special powers'
Civil libertarians are questioning the need for further anti-terrorism laws, which will be announced in the New South Wales Parliament on Tuesday.
When Johnny comes marching home again: 'hoorah hoorah'
Posted on the Resistance web page Bronwyn Powell, an organiser of the youth-led mobilisation told Green Left weekly that "in the face of attacks on civil liberties, it is unfortunate that some union officials have felt they need to submit. It could set a negative precedent for upholding the hard-won right to demonstrate in the street."
Give peace a chance
PIERS AKERMAN DT 28 Nov 02: JUSTICE John Dowd should be removed from the bench. His crime? Stupidity. In a breath-taking display of hand-wringing sanctimonious morality, Dowd has condemned the State and Federal Governments' anti-terrorism measures, claiming they erode rights and give encouragement to oppressive regimes.
The scavengers of terror
The NSW Government is to introduce increased police powers bill. Legislation giving New South Wales police special powers to deal with an emergency terrorist situation [emergency scapegoat situation] will be introduced into the New South Wales Parliament today.
About Protesting &: Corporate media, Ben English and Rachel Morris who spell their names in capitals? [Yes too right! Ordinary people some protesting against the occupation, murder and genocide of hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women and children. And you call yourselves reporters? You should hang your head in shame and go get jobs defending those poor innocent people. Shame on you!!!]