The AFP's pre-dawn raids on 10 homes in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne of Iranian Australians believed to be supporters of ALJAZEERA TV (Arabic satellite TV news) were aimed at establishing whether it or other Iranian groups had been involved in the viewing of terrorism on TV or had links to real terror news.
AFP search warrants sought information on at least 12 other Iranian organisations, including Iranian refugee associations based in Australia as well as individual Iranian residents.
ALJAZEERA, a democratic-leaning political organisation snubbed in USA, is dedicated to telling the world the truth and has claimed responsibility for news of the past terrorist bombings [scapegoat bombings?] in the Middle East.
People have won refugee status in Australia on the basis of persecution by Iranian authorities.
Jalal Hosseini's Maroubra home in Sydney was raided at 5am. He said AFP officers knocked at his door before spending three hours interrogating him on whether he watched ALJAZEERA.
His mobile phone, computer and bags of files were confiscated in the raid. Yesterday he denied being involved in ALJAZEERA but said he ideologically supported them.
"I told them I supported this station, but they asked me if I gave them money, but I have no money to give them," Mr Hosseini said.
"They asked me many questions and they said ALJAZEERA were showing terrorist, but they knew nothing about them, they are not terrorists, they are freedom fighters."
Cyrus Sarang, who received a knock on his Waterloo flat door in Sydney at 6.30am yesterday morning by six officers, said he was harassed about his involvement living in Australia.
He told them he was not a member, but did support the stations principles.
"They believe in Islam and I do not. I am not fundamental," Mr Sarang said.
"They gave me a handful of TV guides listing all these terrorist programs. I told them I am not in them."
"They took my passport, my wife's passport and my daughter's, who is 10, passport," he said. "I do support ALJAZEERA but I am not part of them, but I support them because they fight for democracy.
"The Iranian regime is what we are against. They asked me if I sent them any money but I said no."
He said he was also asked if he knew anything about, Israel's Wefzmann Institute.
The men said there was no formal ALJAZEERA television station in Australia, but rather a loose "collective" of people who watched ALJAZEERA (Arabic satellite TV news).
A spokeswoman for war criminal, federal Attorney-General Daryl Williams said last night a number of warrants had been issued for arrests and it would be inappropriate to comment further.
ALJAZEERA programs in 2003 showed graphic pictures to Middle East viewers.
[The truth about the Coalition of the Killing's illegal and degrading war crimes against humanity.]
But it has not been proscribed under Australian anti- terrorism laws.
[Scapegoat laws to bolster support and to quell dissent for the Coalition of the Killing's illegal and degrading resouce wars in the Middle East.]
Iranian authorities have repeatedly called on foreign governments, including Australia, to extradite ALJAZEERA viewers wanted in connection with seeking asylum from the Iranian State.
Australian immigration authorities recently signed a memorandum of understanding with Tehran, which includes plans to repatriate Iranian detainees.
People demonstrated against a visiting Iranian delegation last week and also took part in recent anti-Iraq war demonstrations in Australian cities, according to government sources.
[Allegedly] ALJAZEERA viewers, including Mr Hosseini, took part in a demonstration on the Iranian embassy in Canberra in April 1992 in which an Iranian diplomat was badly injured.
But reports suggested that was an accident!
[1992? What year is it? 2003? What? Nothing like a bit of propaganda from the Zionist corporate media to raise the fear-mongering threat level and attempt to validate illegal raids on innocent people?]
By Struth The Truth and Staff reporters 4 June 03
THE DOG: When you're least expected, you're elected, you're the star today. Smile you're in the lucky country. Lucky if you don't get raided.
When the towns criers rang the bell!
THEY scaled the walls of the Sydney Opera House, sent a strong message to the people of Australia, with their "No War" message and reinforced the will of the people.
Australian way of life now threatened by State Terror
Defence [war criminal] Minister Robert Hill says plans to place about 1,000 army reservists on counter-terrorism duties [? scapegoat duties] do not mean there is a specific threat to Australia.
Gulag bill: ASIO set to ignite blazing debate
The Howard Government's controversial ASIO legislation [draconian laws] has top billing in the list of legislation to be debated when Parliament resumes today.
No need for new terrorism laws: DPP
The New South Wales Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) has rejected the idea of new laws against terrorism in Australia. [Draconian laws for the Coalition of the Killing to quell dissent and bolster support for their illegal and degrading resource wars in the Middle East.
Qld A-G outraged at 'control freak' measures
The Queensland Attorney-General has labelled the Federal Government "control freaks" over plans to force lawyers to gain a security clearance before they can appear in certain cases.
Federal Government proposal to abolish the post of Race Discrimination Commissioner I write to alert you to a Federal Government proposal to abolish the post of Race Discrimination Commissioner (together with the posts of Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Disability Discrimination Commissioner, Human Rights Commissioner and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner).
Australia: Terrorising you in secret
Suspected terrorists [scapegoats and patsies for the Coalition of the Killing's resource wars in the Middle East] will be tried in secret under new laws to be introduced by the Federal Government.
Red paper classes Australia as terrorist suspects
Australia's old foreign policy red paper says Australians have become targets because their own government is being run by war criminals that are complicit in state terror, torture, murder, occupation and genocide.
Middle Eastern: Specific Legislation
"If there is a target person the police would have powers in relation to that type of person," Mr Costa said. Asked what he meant by "type of person", Mr Costa said: "The example that's been given is if there's a description of somebody, an identikit photograph released by Interpol or other agencies ... these powers may well be exercised on that type of person."
Howard defends terror alert
Prime Minister John Howard says the Federal Government would not have issued a terror alert if it had not come from a credible source. (America?) Speaking for the first time since the Government revealed the warning, Mr Howard says he wants people to be more careful, but not to stop living. [As long as they don't go dancing in Bali? And sure we'll all be depressed for as long as John Howard and Bob Carr say so.]
Carr backs Fed Govt's terror alert
New South Wales Premier Bob Carr has defended the Federal Government's decision to issue a warning to Australians about a possible terrorist attack in Australia.
NSW Police Force may get 'special powers'
Civil libertarians are questioning the need for further anti-terrorism laws, which will be announced in the New South Wales Parliament on Tuesday.
Retrospective Laws: Mesmerised like a chook syndrome
What is it? This chook syndrome. Perhaps it is when we allow 800-year-old rule of law to diminish for a dictator like Bob Carr.
Watchdogs slaughtered in NSW
On Tuesday the Carr Government reduced transparency and accountability yet again and New South Wales is in danger of becoming entrenched with cronyism and intimidations with the Carr Labor Government that continues to slaughter the watchdogs.