UK The web has helped consumers turn tables on the drug giants, says Cheryll Barron.
What if ants could turn the microscopes on the scientists studying them and, after beady-eyed surveillance, demand a revolution in their scrutinisers' accustomed ways?
This is more than a variation on Lilliputians for a new Jonathan Swift to consider; it's a metaphor for a real-life reversal of multinational power that has no precedent.
Management tomes of the late 1990s - like Bill Gates's droning Business, the Speed of Thought - explained how the internet might be used to study customer behaviour minutely, through, for instance, 'data mining'.
Companies, they said, could use the intimate understanding so acquired to address customers' needs and preferences, on the companies' terms. What no one foresaw was the shocking extent to which the internet would change the terms of trade between corporations and society.
Certainly not that one of the world's largest drug companies, which is among the richest and most influential industries of all time, would be the first victim of the shift.
The crisis that began the containment of pharma power is a runaway rate of drug injury. In England alone, reactions to drugs that led to hospitalisation followed by death are estimated at 5,700 a year and could actually be closer to 10,000, according to a study in The British Medical Journal in July. The researchers reckon that adverse drug reactions are costing the NHS £466m a year.
Drug injury has been worrying experts for decades. But after the thalidomide tragedies of the 1950s, the subject failed to catch fire for politicians and the public until the recent antidepressant controversy.
Last month, that debate made headlines when Britain's GlaxoSmithKline, the world's second-largest pharma, denied any wrongdoing, but agreed to pay $2.5m to settle a lawsuit filed by the State of New York accusing it of fraud for concealing evidence of its antidepressant Seroxat's potential for harming children, while doing them no measurable good.
In a sequel last week, a group of about two dozen American parents sued GSK seeking refunds for treatment of their children with the drug. The GSK suit created the tipping point in the pharmas' change of fortune and has revealed the force behind it.
The formal complaint drew heavily on research by public health campaigners and consumer advocates about the hazards of antidepressant use. These activists had toiled in deepest obscurity - some of them, for a decade - until their discoveries were featured on a Panorama programme, 'Secrets of Seroxat', in autumn 2002.
A follow-up broadcast the next spring, 'Emails from the edge', analysed 1,370 messages from viewers about the first programme, mostly from people reporting antidepressant withdrawal reactions including shock-like sensations in their heads, and thoughts about self-mutilation, violence and suicide.
The outcry that followed forced GSK to make a stunning admission. In June 2003, it corrected its prescribing instructions for Seroxat, revising its estimate of the risk of withdrawal symptoms from one in 500 to one in four.
Infinitely more frightening than that reluctant confirmation of a drug's potential for harm was that in the years GSK spent denying it, this pharma had the backing of institutions that we, the public, rely on to protect us from poisoning by prescription.
The Royal College of Psychiatrists had insisted only a year earlier that 'there is no evidence that antidepressant drugs can cause dependence syndromes'; a patient information leaflet approved by a regulatory body also said as much. The events that led to Seroxat's exposure would seem to suggest that it was television power that forced GSK to recant. But it was really the internet that allowed public health activists to do an end run around GSK's and the medical authorities' denials of the drug's risks. An explosion of websites dedicated to vivid accounts of antidepressant reactions told these campaigners about hundreds of thousands affected by a problem that officially did not exist.
The internet was 'groaning with evidence'; over time, the 'cover-up became more obvious as the weight of scientific evidence got stronger and public protest grew'. Those are quotations from a magisterial history and analysis of the antidepressant crisis by two leading campaigners, Charles Medawar and Anita Hardon, in Medicines Out of Control?, a new book recommended by the Lancet as essential reading for members of the parliamentary committee examining pharma influence on health policy, whose hearings began last week.
As critical to the pharmas' outing as the raw data on the internet was this medium's capacity for handling complexity - at the speed of firing neurons. Mood medicines are arguably even more complicated than computers. Software's complexity is largely restricted to the science behind it, and to products and their intermeshing with other products. Pills have extra intricacies that follow from variations in formulations of the same types of drugs, in the range of possible reactions, some of them subtle, in patients - even to different doses, in the same person - and consequences not just from interactions with other drugs but with non-pharmaceutical treatment and lifestyle aspects such as diet.
Health campaigners trying to decide what the pharmas could reasonably be blamed for shared vast stores of data about such complexities by - among other means - encyclopaedic technical postings on their websites. Some of these sites also feature open access to years of correspondence between the activists and regulatory officials and pharma executives. Postings like these have allowed rapid international co-ordination between the campaigners.
Pharmas bent on redeeming their reputations have suddenly begun to use the internet to publish what they once fought for the right to conceal. GSK's first notable response to the filing of the recent lawsuit was to start posting both negative and positive findings from drug tests on its web site. But it is far from the only pharma with a history of secretiveness about trials, and at least three of its rivals have copied its turnabout, with Eli Lilly and Merck making the most radical moves towards transparency.
Even top-ranking pharma executives might not yet grasp that this is only the start of a progressive stripping away of power. They could do worse than adopt for a model Gulliver, who reacted to his entrapment by the Lilliputians with a 'promise of honour', for fear that the showers of tiny arrows his captors used to disable him might be far from the worst they could do.
Bitter pills
Bit by bit, health activists in Britain and America have uncovered the core of pharma might: a sinister mesh of hidden influences in the regulation and practice of medicine that is painstakingly dissected in Medicines Out of Control? by Charles Medawar and Anita Hardon.
In both countries, clinical drug tests are paid for by the pharmas, who tweak the trials' design for the best possible results. Until recently, only the most favourable findings got published in the 20,000-odd biomedical journals, many of them dependent on pharmas for funding.
The drugs are approved for marketing by regulators, whose salaries are mostly financed by the subjects of their evaluations - since pharmas pay to have their products vetted. The medicines are then prescribed by doctors routinely courted with pharma gifts - from free pens to family skiing holidays - meant to persuade them to change their prescribing habits.
By Just Us posted 27 September 04
Prozac must have suicide warning
All antidepressant drugs must carry the strongest possible public warning that they could cause children to harm themselves or commit suicide, US authorities said yesterday in a landmark ruling which has repercussions for the whole class of drugs.
Aspartame, medication and prison mental health
Justice Health and Corrective Services under 'Duty of Care' provide a lethal cocktail to its prisoners' by way of a so-called sweetener! This on its own is considered a lethal cocktail!
Medical trials of cannabis show positive results
Research could soon show that cannabis could be a helpful long-term treatment for multiple sclerosis sufferers. Patients who took part in a 15-week study - published in the Lancet last year - went on to try the effectiveness of the banned drug, [herb], for a 52-week course, John Zajicek of the Peninsula medical school told the British Association science festival which ended in Exeter.
NT activists await Supreme Court decision
Four human rights activists facing jail for a protest in the Northern Territory Parliament now face a tense wait for an appeal decision against the conviction to be handed down by the NT Supreme Court. The group were protesting against the Labor Government's "drug house" legislation and continued racism in the Northern Territory.
Research points to corporate journalists alcohol-schizophrenia link
New research has revealed more evidence of a link between corporate media journalists and schizophrenia. A national conference beginning in Melbourne today will examine international studies about the issue.
Fremantle police at centre of missing cannabis claims
One sunny day I was riding my bike, and smokin' a joint, 'cause that's what I like. A police man stopped me and began to stare and he said "hey sonny, whatcha smokin' there?"
Canadian PM pledges to decriminalise marijuana
Prime Minister Paul Martin has pledged to reintroduce legislation this year to decriminalise the possession and use of small amounts of marijuana.
Don't bash us on Saturday
Human rights activists in Darwin are concerned for their safety and the safety of the public at this week's Network Against Prohibition (NAP) Community Smoke-In for Human Rights.
Heroin: Hazy logic dictates a painful prohibition
Between moments of pungent humour, The Barbarian Invasions is a confronting movie. Facing a painful death to cancer, Remy, a self-described "socialist, hedonist lecher", accepts Montreal's crumbling, cramped public health system as his left-wing fate.
Port Lincoln Mayor has lost the plot!
Controversial Port Lincoln Mayor Peter Davis has called for drug addicts to be given a lethal injection to cut rising illicit drug use on South Australia's Eyre Peninsula.
Sign, sign everywhere a sign
The Syringe Festival was first held in Darwin in August 2002. The event, organised by the Network Against Prohibition was held as a protest against the Territory's new "drug house" laws that came into effect on August 1 last year, as well as a celebration of drug culture.
QANTAS pooping on people?
Ten unions are involved in the campaign against the program. They say they do not oppose drug and alcohol testing to prevent and determine impairment, but they are concerned that the trial will force workers to reveal use of prescription medicines or over-the-counter drugs.
NSW Ombudsman to probe police 'move-on' powers
Concerns have been raised that police may be unfairly targeting young people. The audit is part of a review of the extra powers officers were given to help tackle the illegal drug trade in Cabramatta in south-west Sydney.
Drug law blamed for hep C epidemic
THE federal Government's conservative tough-on-drugs policies have triggered an explosion in hepatitis C infections, a secret health department report has found.
Jail trade in 'sex for favours'
Professor Harding found evidence of bullying and standover tactics at the jail, often associated with the distribution of illegal drugs.
CWA wants pot legalised
PERCEIVED as the height of conservatism, the Country Women's Association has had a reputation for baking and handicrafts until now. The organisation yesterday confirmed it is seeking to have cannabis legalised for health reasons. A recommendation to be put forward to the annual meeting in May calls for the legalisation of the drug for the treatment of terminally ill patients.
The Thai Drug Users' Network is a group of individuals who use or have used drugs We have come together to respond to the deplorable health and human rights situation of drug users in our country, and in particular the current climate of fear caused by the extrajudicial killing of people allegedly involved with drugs.
Another lethal party drug article...
This is another lethal party drug article by the Daily Telegraph's (DT)'s Super Crime Buster Division, but I'll try to straighten it out a bit so you can understand it.
Poison Ivy: Drugs and Substances
Everything is a drug love, money, vegemite, and honey so why the hang up on coke? Things go better with Coke. at least that's what we're told each and every day by advertising. [?] So why the big hang up on alcohol, amphetamines, cigarettes, marijuana, speed, ecstasy and cocaine?
Police selling drugs? Bikies selling drugs? Pharmacies prescribing drugs Of course there will be criticism when you cross that thin blue line! You have to realise how the government itself has been corrupted because of the drug scene and the money involved.
Drug rehabilitation: Threats, threats and more threats!
But a spokesperson for Citizens Against Being Forced Mr Ihave Amind Ofmyown said, "Major Watters is John Howard's adviser because he's a bully. Citizens make their own decisions about what is best for them and if you don't like that step down."
MPs told of police corruption
Corruption and mismanagement are still entrenched in the NSW Police, and problems at the highest levels are "whitewashed", according to evidence given yesterday to a federal parliamentary committee.
Alcohol is just the beginning
People who start using alcohol by their mid teens are more than twice as likely as others to experiment with different drugs and to become dependent on drugs a major Australian study has found.
Tobacco, alcohol top the drug abuse toll
Tobacco and alcohol accounted for 83 per cent of the cost of drug abuse in Australia, dwarfing the financial impact of illegal drugs, a Commonwealth Government report has found.
NSW police cracked up on antisocial behaviour
Hundreds of extra police will be on the streets of Sydney from this afternoon as part of a major blitz on crime and activities as "antisocial behaviour" says the ABC online last Fri 24 May 2002.
Alcohol pickles your brain
The only two social drugs the Government sanction are cigarettes and alcohol as legal, yet they cause the most damage." He said.
Govt, police 'let off the hook' Haneef inquiry
16 years ago