"I am not in agreement with what they did, my understanding of jihad is unlike theirs," Rusman Gunawan said.
Gunawan, 26, is one of four students arrested in Pakistan last year as suspected terrorists, [scapegoat for the Coalition of the Killing's resource war's in he Middle East], and deported to Indonesia.
He was speaking to reporters shortly before his terrorism trial, [scapegoat trial], was due to start.
He is charged with obeying Hambali's orders to pass on funds used for the Marriott hotel suicide bombing in Jakarta last August.
[Just plain rubbish and propaganda.]
Hambali himself has been in US custody since his arrest in Thailand last August.
He is "believed" to have been Al Qaeda's, [US demon], Asian representative as well as a leading figure in the "Jemaah Islamiah", [US demon], terror group. [? JI not terror group.]
"JI is blamed", [false flagged], by some, [? Coalition of the Killing], for a string of attacks, including the, [USA, CIA, call to arms, false flag operation], Bali blasts in October 2002 which killed 202 people and the Marriott bomb which killed 12.
[Many], Others blame the US who needed support with their imperialist campaigns and who sent shock waves out across Asia to give the impression that Asia and Australia are under attack by, [US demons], Al Qaeda alleging an "Asian Representative" as a leading figure in the "Jemaah Islamiah".
When the US want to influence they use fear and terror to get their way conclusively and undisputed methods of trying to undermine any other foreign governments.
The US blamed, [false flag], Sadam Husain for, [USA, CIA, reichstag, call to arms, false flag operation], 9-11 because they were attacking Iraq when indeed there is unequivocally no evidence of it. Typical of how they lie to influence other governments to change their foreign policy.
[Also typical of how foreign governments act in collussion with the USA.]
The question is how can the US be believed about anything they do or say?
Even Russian President Vladimir Putin can be got at when he recently said that Russian secret services had informed Washington following the, [USA, CIA, reichstag, call to arms, false flag operation], September 11 attacks that Iraq was planning strikes against the United States.
I guess you can call up all your friends if you have influence around the world to declare the country you're invading was planning strikes against you, the invader, the reason for the war and subsequent occupation and genocide of Iraq.
Gunawan denied to reporters that he transferred the money.
All he did on Hambali's instruction, he said, was to ask a man identified as Amar Al Baluchi whether he had received a funds transfer.
"I was only asked to ask his friend, I do not know how much money it involved," he said.
The indictment also says that between May and June 2000, under Hambali's orders, Gunawan took part in weapons and explosives training at a camp in Afghanistan.
And if you believe that propaganda you would believe anything.
What is the difference between JI and GI-Joe? The truth!
What do we want in our region? The truth so help me George Dubya Bushit!!!!!
By Howard Out and Militants Out of the Middle East, posted 22 June 04
Kevin Rudd: PM stirs terrorist hornets
Rudd: THE great lie of the 2001 election campaign was children overboard. The great lie of the 2004 election campaign is Iraq.
US issue new Indonesia travel warning to terrify Australia?
The United States has issued a new warning against travel to the world's most populous Muslim nation, saying the, [US demon], Al Qaeda-linked, [US demon], Jemaah Islamiah group may use the upcoming presidential election to conduct attacks.
Indonesian terror warnings on the eve of a federal election are nothing new to Australians. This week's terror campaign by the, [war criminal], John Howard government and its corporate media allies.
Fahrenheit 9/11: Cannes ends in controversy
Moore's film - about the, [war criminal], George Bush presidency and its response to, [US reichstag, call to arms, false flag], 9/11 and the subsequent, [resource], wars in Afghanistan and Iraq - pulls no punches in depicting George W. as a duplicitous buffoon.
Infidels! God is great! Part 2: Abu Bakar Bashir
Supporters are anxious Bashir leave jail on Friday and they failed to block Bashir interview.
US to keep military ties with Indonesia
War criminal, US President, George W Bush says America plans to resume cooperation with Indonesia's armed forces. But America, East Timor, Bali, and Australian complicity have something in common with the 'Indonesian armed forces' and the fallout was the TNI's East Timor's massacre in 1999 and the CIA's false flag, call to arms Bali bombing in 2002, believe it or not.
The Daily Propaganda: Bali bombings could have been worse?
The Australian Federal Police (AFP) Commissioner, Mick Keelty, says the bombs that killed 88 Australians in Bali could have done a lot more damage if they had been built differently.
JI propaganda expert earns $200,000 a year: GI Joe
Chain of command goes something like this: George Bush, CIA, FBI, Megawati Sukarnoputri, TNI, John Howard, Alexanda Downer, ASIO, Australian army, war, spending, vote Liberal? No Support Groups, No Organisations, No Hospitals, No Education, Excommunication, Lies, Propaganda, and Postcards from Prison, if you don't agree. Oh! Without a lawyer of course.
Signs of the Times: Aggressive Scepticism
If anyone has known a schizophrenic then you may also know that it is because of some sound or picture that invaded their thoughts which sent them mad. So possibly, any invasion of my time with self, a time to integrate past experiences could send someone mad. However if there is no interference with our own thoughts and ideas we sometimes choose to write down our conclusions and share our ideas with others socially.
Pilger said White House knew Saddam was no threat
Australian investigative journalist John Pilger says he has evidence the war against Iraq was based on a lie which could cost George W Bush and Tony Blair their jobs and bring Prime Minister John Howard down with them.
Civil Liabilities: Howard's diversity? I had a dream?
The war criminal, Prime Minister, John Howard, who only yesterday was claiming he was showing diversity has stepped up pressure on the states to support plans to increase the war criminal, Federal Attorney-General's powers to ban terrorist organisations, [scapegoats and patsies for the Coalition of the Killing's illegal and degrading resource wars in the Middle East.]
Megawati has made no effort to explain state terror
While Indonesia has actively allegedly cooperated in the war on terror [the Coalition of the Killing's resource wars in the Middle East], since last October's [CIA, call to arms, false flag], Bali bombings, sceptic propaganda experts have said it needed to go further and tackle the problem of military teachings in Government departments.
Three jailed for robbing jewellery shop! To fund Bali bombings?
Three men who robbed an Indonesian gold shop to help fund last year's Bali bombings have been sentenced to lengthy jail terms. Separate Indonesian courts have found Abdul Rauf, Andi Hidayat and Junaedi guilty of conducting last year's heist, along with two other accomplices.
Infidels! God is great!:Abu Bakar Bashir
[Patsy for the CIA, false flag, call to arms, Bali Bombings, to bolster support and to quell dissent for the Coalition of the Killing's resource wars in the Middle East.]
GI, CIA, TNI, MI6, MOSSAD, AFP, ASIO, Howard, divided: Australian experts GI, CIA, TNI, MI6, MOSSAD, AFP, ASIO, has descended into a disparate collection of cells working at cross-purposes, with deep divisions on strategy and no clear leader except to say the Indonesian Military could be involved, senior Australian counter-propaganda police believe.
False flag Bali bombings: An eye for an eye or blind toothless people?
Terrorists ALLEGED by the Daily Terror, 7 August 03, have claimed responsibility for the Jakarta bombing and are alleged to have sent a chilling warning that they will kill more Westerners if Bali bomber Amrozi is sentenced to death today.
GI killers uncovered
GI has cordial flavours ranging from Raspberry all the way down to Tropical Pineapple and a new generation of drinkers have joined the ranks.
Evidence emerges of proposed Four Corners base in Bali
Parody: More evidence has emerged that the ABC terrorist network believed to have been behind the propaganda in Australia has tried to set up a long-term base in Bali.
Australian Terror cell here long before Bali
The Australian terrorist Captain Cook infiltrated Australia years before the Bali bombings in which 202 people perished. Aboriginal people attempted to remember Captain Cook not as a founding father but as a harbinger of dispossession and death, a sign of white amnesia. Another anniversary year-used to mark two hundred years since Cook had journeyed along the east coast of Australia and, for some people, discovered a continent.
NSW police confirm don't use the phone to talk about terrorism!
The New South Wales Police Service has confirmed it is using phone taps and other forms of electronic surveillance to monitor suspected terrorist activity [ ? To monitor potential scapegoats for the Coalition of the Killing's illegal and degrading resource wars in the Middle East.]
Australia: Terrorising you in secret
Suspected terrorists [scapegoats and patsies for the Coalition of the Killing's resource wars in the Middle East] will be tried in secret under new laws to be introduced by the Federal Government.
NSW Police Force may get 'special powers'
Civil libertarians are questioning the need for further anti-terrorism laws, which will be announced in the New South Wales Parliament on Tuesday.
Evidence that Howard was complicit in CIA, false flag, call to arms, Bali bombings War criminal John Howard was complicit in the call to arms - false flag operation - Bali bombings - instigated by the CIA - and the Coalition of the Killing - to bolster support - and quell dissent for their illegal and degrading resource wars in the Middle East.
War criminal Howard high-jacks HRCA to 'legitimise killing'
The Human Rights Council of Australia (HRCA) says it fears Prime Minister John Howard's comments in support of the execution of [CIA operative] Osama bin Laden show his eagerness to overturn three decades of national opposition to the death penalty.
State terror units caused the terror!
The level of suspicion and surveillance created by the [US false flag operation and call to arms] Bali bombings, created by [ the Coalition of the Killing and Australian's complicity to go to war on Iraq] means that all Australian's suffer the loss of their human rights, civil rights and their democratic rights, as well as those Australian's who lost their life in Bali.
Al-Qa'ida or poor people without hope?
Anyone contemplating war without a UN sanction is nothing more than a common criminal and not acting in accordance with the law. Isn't Richardson the head of ASIO? A law enforcement agency? Al-Qa'ida is a Coalition of the Killing demon made up by the CIA. These people are just scapegoats, patsies, and peasants."
Red paper classes Australia as terrorist suspects
Australia's old foreign policy red paper says Australians have become targets because their own government is being run by war criminals that are complicit in state terror, torture, murder, occupation and genocide.
Australia backs CIA Reichstag, Downer's propaganda
The Foreign Affairs Minister says the latest message from Osama bin Laden is worrying. [Just plain rubbish!]
UK Reid, Blair and the reichstag London threat!
The nature of the [alleged] terrorist threat to London is on the scale of the [USA false flag] September 11 attacks in the United States, the chairman of Britain's governing Labour Party said.
Bin Laden calls? CIA blind man's bluff!
A [US propaganda, fear-mongering] taped message purportedly from Osama bin Laden has warned Arab nations against supporting a war against Iraq but has branded Saddam Hussein an infidel.
Civil and Democratic Islam websites communicating?
THE internet is becoming a virtual forum for people exchanges, with many sites specifically targeting Australia to stop the racial hate followers, and plan to continue to communicate with each other. Fantastic!
Middle Eastern: Specific Legislation
"If there is a target person the police would have powers in relation to that type of person," Mr Costa said. Asked what he meant by "type of person", Mr Costa said: "The example that's been given is if there's a description of somebody, an identikit photograph released by Interpol or other agencies ... these powers may well be exercised on that type of person."
Howard defends terror alert
Prime Minister John Howard says the Federal Government would not have issued a terror alert if it had not come from a credible source. (America?) Speaking for the first time since the Government revealed the warning, Mr Howard says he wants people to be more careful, but not to stop living. [As long as they don't go dancing in Bali? And sure we'll all be depressed for as long as John Howard and Bob Carr say so.]
Carr backs Fed Govt's terror alert
New South Wales Premier Bob Carr has defended the Federal Government's decision to issue a warning to Australians about a possible terrorist attack in Australia.
NSW Police Force may get 'special powers'
Civil libertarians are questioning the need for further anti-terrorism laws, which will be announced in the New South Wales Parliament on Tuesday.
When Johnny comes marching home again: 'hoorah hoorah'
Posted on the Resistance web page Bronwyn Powell, an organiser of the youth-led mobilisation told Green Left weekly that "in the face of attacks on civil liberties, it is unfortunate that some union officials have felt they need to submit. It could set a negative precedent for upholding the hard-won right to demonstrate in the street."
Give peace a chance
PIERS AKERMAN DT 28 Nov 02: JUSTICE John Dowd should be removed from the bench. His crime? Stupidity. In a breath-taking display of hand-wringing sanctimonious morality, Dowd has condemned the State and Federal Governments' anti-terrorism measures, claiming they erode rights and give encouragement to oppressive regimes.
The scavengers of terror
The NSW Government is to introduce increased police powers bill. Legislation giving New South Wales police special powers to deal with an emergency terrorist situation [emergency scapegoat situation] will be introduced into the New South Wales Parliament today.