Sidney Nolan was a great Australian artist, using his talent for political and social comment, rather like a U2/Bono from some past age, when our nation relied upon some poncy British accent for a say on world issues.
While now Telstra relies upon Americans, not much has changed.
Born between the wars, Sidney's era has its similarities to today, lots of war, Middle Eastern occupation. Sidney made a comment which is still awaiting recognition let alone any real action.
Today. Syd, is most famous for the Ned Kelly series, 20+ separate scenes detailing the abstract, life and crimes of Australia's most famous villain. Ned Kelly, was a hero for some, or an uncommon criminal/cop killer to others.
Historians dig deeper, analysing Ned's written work and behaviour and have decided he was just a nutter.
Ned and David Hicks are the same creature, in anyone's eyes, just two of a production line of the same product. David is just a modern day variety, no less hidden and under suspicion, and accused of crimes committed while under persecution.
Kelly's Mum was falsely accused, making parallel situations, wrongfully arrested and imprisoned, along with trumped up charges, David felt the same about Muslims.
All this occurred well before Ned and his brothers had the 'act up campaign' against the British regime, David's decision however was made before he began a (crime spree). Maybe if the Authorities were not so insane, Kelly would have gone back to farming and David today, along with his brothers in arms would not need to defend their values.
Sidney Nolan had his opinion drawn from experience, he had family links with the Kelly gang, and his opinion was clearly explained in artistic representation, a stations of the cross in 27 illustrations. He portrayed everything Australian as scrawny, weedy and ineffectual. In 20+ scenes Kelly's short crime wave is depicted, in child like detail.
We still know all about the Kelly Gang from all points media, so it must be important to us, and even though the mask got only one outing, its centre stage in most paintings and the most prominent feature that stays with the art lover, and still we do not grasp Nolan's point
David's story was even shorter, we have no details, although his picture is always in the news, as a mask, an image only his family once knew. He's alone now uncared for and under conditions none of us would stand for, but we are in no position to argue, nor is he, as we are out of the loop because we are Australians.
The police, in Sidney's pictures, were all managed by British servants, now those who guard detainees are American.
Sidney lined the police up on the canvas to make them look ridiculous, local boys, all standing proudly to attention like our politicians at the opening of parliament awaiting orders from Washington.
Portrayed through child like styles, the playmates are wearing police costumes and fake beards acting out parts, insincere, the parallels are exacting. Nolan could re-release Kelly in an orange jump suit or something, the parody could be hilarious.
The Authorities both past and present do not quite stand vertical, as Art and reality merge, both are a bit disorganised, coalition style, barely keeping up pretences, while the Aus bush in the background has no detail or interest for the world affairs viewer.
Presently identical scenes are played out in our time on TV, concerning David as, agents of another nation make deceptions, in reality America has taken a fellow Australian whilst extradition is between our nations a sovereign right.
For some, the it's the same as demanding that Martin Bryant be imprisoned on the Tasmanian Island. There is good cause to demand extradition as he was our responsibility, some how Australia failed him, or he would not have done this thing.
We could have been responsible from the onset, but from capture there was no reason to release him into the custody of another.
We were in Afghanistan, Australian services were present during the arrest, Australians were a partner after all, and he was one of ours.
But do we get a say? Clearly we have no voice at all.
No crime was committed on our soil, Americas or anywhere else, there was no link with terrorism no threat to our nation, while international law was suspended worldwide for the duration, Hicks did not even fight Australians, and now faces trumped up charges, at least Kelly had by capture, committed some felony.
Nolan's point was made in 20 + pictures where Australia features as the Mask. Kelly is not even pictured, the mask and armour are used to represent the Australian self image of the time, it was not about Kelly, it was all about Australia identity.
Australia in the 1800's was well hidden and protected behind British rule, but now honest john is unAustralian, its hard to think of something more true, he should bugger off back to America to be with his mate Murdoch.
In David's eyes Australia hasn't changed much, a country hidden behind a mask of another foreign nation, freely trading independence, American values, with no real identity, with pseudo autonomy, as long as the strings are attached to another nation's apron, all crystal clear except to dim-witted Australians.
60 years on, the Ned Kelly series could become David Hicks except for the Armour and Crime business. David is innocent, he fought for valour, valiantly, it was the coalition who acted with complete disrespect for others independence, all because westerners have very different values.
Osama would feel the same as Nolan but would not share David's views, they would disagree. David gave up on Australia; Ossama is a patriot to Arab lands. For David the decision to reject British/ American Culture was his personal protest. In a brave & selfless act of direct action against the western invasion of Arab lands. David went off in protection of Muslim ideals, in a complete 360 turn around, while Bin Laden has always defended Arab lands 100% without hesitation and has always been a patriot.
The 14 year war in Iraq, war & occupation in Saudi, Palestine added to the list, for David to make up his mind, not brainwashing. But Fears of colonialism, all real were real and are now realised threats, combined and western disregard of Muslim values put David over the edge. It bothered him even though he need not have been concerned, he could have just reneged on Allah instead, but he didn't which made him very unAustralian.
Not a crime at the time I would have said.
Ossama had bigger problems, David had no need to join him, or share beliefs, so there was never any link. David just signed up for the other side, maybe he regrets choosing the Taliban, but lets face it, they were never Terrorist in the true sense of the word or our side would be to.
Ossama is as intelligent and as noble as anyone could hope a leaders to be, honest as the Artic day in mid summer is long even though he is not fighting Russian occupation any longer. Times have changed; he's only fighting America because they took over.
And neither will ever succeed, the pipeline is no closer.
What we fail to understand is that Bin Laden had no choice but to fight for independence and remain Arabian, he is patriotic, but the fight remains the same, a fight we Australians have never felt worth our nation, because we keep giving it away.
Sidney was aware of Australia's unwillingness to grow as a nation and tried a blatant enduring way to explain this fact to pseudo Englishmen, this time we get the chance to listen again, but as pseudo Americans.
If David committed a crime, it was for being unaustralian, something Howard would like to pass through senate as a crime, and he could too. But it should not be retrospective.
Introspective maybe, perhaps it's a choice thing. Would you defend this nation, by attacking women and children without questioning the source of the orders handed down by an authority?
But we do.
Across an entire region, Australian is nothing to be proud of, and is like, American basking in a current & shared sense of shame.
We could leave Muslims including Hicks alone to sort out their own problems while we deal with being led by the nose. Or we could review the known facts regarding our nation's involvement and decide if current directions appear to be crusades, face facts. Hicks and Kelly are just a product of our nations hypocrisy who woke up to it long before I did.
Thankyou for your time.
By Simon Willace posted 17 September 05
a cowardly disgrace .....
Whilst US lawyers continue their fight to secure the legal and human rights of Australian citizen, David Hicks, his government has quietly reaffirmed its decision to abandon him to his fate.
87 detainees on hunger strike at Guantanamo
A hunger strike at a US detention centre [prison] for terrorism suspects [scapegoats and patsies for resource wars in the Middle East] at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba has entered its second month with 87 prisoners refusing food, a military spokesman says.
Detainees [prisoners] at the American military prison at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba are on hunger strike against their indefinite detention, according to human rights lawyers.
All Australians deserve a fair trial
David Hicks will not receive a fair trial in Guantanamo Bay . We must demand that Foreign Minister Alexander Downer get David Hicks back here to face an Australian court:
GetUp! Stand Up! Stand Up For Your Rights!
This government is already rattled. But our work has only just begun. This morning Senator Robert Hill announced that the Government plans to roll back the Senate budget estimates process, which plays a crucial role in exposing government bungles and cover-ups.
David Hicks justice betrayed ......
AUSTRALIA/CUBA/USA: A stated belief of the Liberal Party is: "We believe in a just & humane society in which the importance of the family and the rule of law & justice is maintained."
HICKS: Not a Happy Birthday!
AUSTRALIA/CUBA/US :David Hicks, the Australian imprisoned at the US Base of Guantanamo Bay, will be 30 years old this coming Monday August 7, 2005.
Democrats make cowardly retreat on Guantanamo torture
US: Senator Richard Durbin's sniveling apology Tuesday for his remarks on US torture at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp was entirely predictable, another of the "profiles in cowardice" that the Democratic Party serves up on a regular basis.
Over 17,000 people including minors are now imprisoned by the US as a result of the 'War on Terror'. More than 540 men and minors, including David Hicks remmain imprisoned in Guantanamo Bay.
Hicks 'should be an Australian'
Australian David Hicks should have already been returned to Australia instead of being exploited by the US and Australian authorities.
The Canterbury-Bankstown Peace Group & the Justice for Hicks & Habib Campaign welcome the statement by Amnesty International Secretary General Irene Khan, condemning the US Administration for condoning torture and the suppression of 'human rights' in their 'war on terror'.
UN Dialogue among Civilizations
This roundtable is a contribution to the UN Dialogue among Civilizations project that began in September 2000. At the first round table debate on Dialogue among Civilizations, Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the UN stated that, cultural diversity - in his opinion - is not only the basis for the Dialogue among Civilizations, but also the reality that makes dialogue necessary, since the perception of diversity as a threat is the very seed of war. [The role of religion in creating a culture of peace and moving on from a culture of fear.]
Torture not acceptable on anyone: Community!
Australia: A former chairman of the National Crime Authority has spoken out in favour of torture for John HoWARd and the Neo-Cons no doubt, saying it should be used against terrorists and in domestic criminal situations but not against QC's?
Torture can never be justified
I am forwarding the following statement issued by AMCRAN in regards to a paper: "Not Enough (Official) Torture in the World? The Circumstances in which Torture is Morally Justifiable" written by Professor Mirko Bagaric, Head of Deakin Law School & Julie Clarke, Lecturer, Deakin Law School, in which they justify torture.
Torture okay: propaganda paper
Mean in Black John HoWARd and Pastor Peter Costello with Professor Mirko Bagaric, and fellow Deakin lecturer Julie Clarke, torture okay for them. Question?
Association for the Prevention of Torture
What needs to be done now? All States Parties to the UN Convention against Torture should seriously consider ratifying the OPCAT as soon as possible. National Institutions and others promoting the human rights of people deprived of their liberty need to be informed of their potential role as national preventive mechanisms under the OPCAT.
CIA defends terror suspect transfers?
Suspected terrorists [scapegoats for the Coalition of the Killings's resource wars in the Middle East] in US custody have been transferred to third countries for the past 20 years, CIA director Porter Goss told the US Senate armed services committee.
Pentagon chiefs cleared over prisoner abuse?
US: The Pentagon has cleared itself of any high-level responsibility for the abuse of detainees in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay because it was the guard dogs that initiated the torture all along.
It seems the United States of America (The World Watchdog) is dictating and practising double-standards --- a unique law for America and another set of laws for all other countries.
Guantanamo challenge puts off Hicks trial
Australian [scapegoat] suspect David Hicks's 'military trial'?, has been further delayed due to the postponement of a separate legal challenge to the US's legal process for Guantanamo Bay detainees?
Guantanamo guards blinded prisoner: lawyer
UK/CUBA: British permanent resident detained at the US camp for terrorism suspects [scapegoats] in Guantanamo Bay was blinded in one eye following an assault by guards, his lawyer says.
Amnesty slams Govt position on US trial system
Amnesty International has described as "absurd", the Federal Government's continued support for the United States military commission that will try Australian detainee [scapegoat] David Hicks on terrorism allegations.
US judge orders CIA release Guantanamo records
A US federal judge has ordered the CIA to release records regarding the treatment of prisoners detained in Guantanamo Bay and other facilities in the "war on terror" to a civil rights groups.
Hicks lawyer welcomes Guantanamo ruling
Stephen Kenny, the lawyer representing the family of Guantanamo Bay detainee David Hicks, has welcomed a US court ruling that military commissions set up to try detainees at Guantanamo Bay are unconstitutional.
Australia: a presumption of guilt......
KAREN PERCY: Two of Australia's leading barristers have seized on the return of Guantanamo Bay detainee, Mamdouh Habib, to launch an unprecedented attack on the Federal Attorney General, Philip Ruddock.
Aust Community criticises Govt for 'crimes'!
Australia: The Law Council of Australia is warning that the Federal Government must learn from its mistakes over Guantanamo Bay? Now that's a mistake!
Australian Govt Guilty of Crimes: Community
Australia: The community says federal fascists who allowed the torture of its citizenry including Mamdouh Habib may be arrested when the United Nations War Crimes Tribunal address the War Crimes Indictment set out by the community.
US judge dismisses? Guantanamo legal challenge
A US federal judge has dismissed the cases of seven Guantanamo Bay prisoners who sought to challenge the lawfulness of their continued detention?
US 'landlord' slams! Guantanamo 'law violations'
Cuba has demanded that the United States cease its "criminal conduct" in abusing prisoners held at the base it illegally occupies on Cuba's south-eastern tip, saying procedures at Guantanamo violate international law.
Concern over ramifications of Hicks FOI failure
There are claims that a decision by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal will give some countries the opportunity to refuse diplomatic aid to detained Australians.
FBI emails reveal Guantanamo abuse
In memos over a two year period FBI agents said they witnessed the use of torture techniques, which included the use of dogs, prisoners being shackled to the floor in foetal positions for up to 24 hours, left without food and water, left to defecate upon themselves.
Hicks alleges Guantanamo abuse: report
Guantanamo Bay prisoner David Hicks has reportedly claimed that prisoners at the US run prison camp have been beaten while blindfolded and handcuffed, terrorised by attack dogs, and forced to take drugs.
US lawyer wants inquiry into Hicks trial process
The lawyer defending Australian terror suspect [scapegoat for resource wars] David Hicks has called for an inquiry into whether the military commission hearing the case meets legal standards.
Australia Sells Its Citizens Short
Australian citizens, Mamdouth Habib and David Hicks have been illegally incarcerated in the Guantanamo Bay facility established by the US military as part of the War on Terror.
Downer won't press US for 'torture' report?
The Australian Government says it has tried and failed so far to get a copy of a report by the International Red Cross which claims psychological and physical coercion of detainees at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba?
UK minister criticises US over Guantanamo!
UK: Washington's policy on the legal status of detainees at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp in Cuba is unacceptable, a senior British minister said.
FBI emails reveal Guantanamo abuse
In memos over a two year period FBI agents said they witnessed the use of torture techniques, which included the use of dogs, prisoners being shackled to the floor in foetal positions for up to 24 hours, left without food and water, left to defecate upon themselves.
Lawyers hail 'unlawful' ruling in Guantanamo trial
Human rights groups and lawyers for Guantanamo detainees have welcomed a US federal judge's ruling which halted as unlawful the military tribunal trial of a Guantanamo prisoner accused of being Osama bin Laden's bodyguard and driver.
Hicks's lawyers seek panel decision
Lawyers for Australian Guantanamo Bay detainee David Hicks will make another attempt to dismiss charges against their client in a series of motions hearings starting in Cuba today.
Torture, the British way
Great to be British, isn't it? Time was, we were really uptight, but now we can talk about anything - sex, religion, politics. No matter how personal and complex the subject, we'll discuss it with Richard and Judy, or slap our private Polaroids of it on our websites. Which leaves me puzzled about our silence, even shyness, over this whole torture thing.
US secretly moved prisoners out of Iraq for questioning: report
The CIA has secretly transferred detainees out of Iraq for interrogation after asking the US Justice Department to write a memo justifying the practice, which violates the Geneva Conventions.
Pentagon dumps Guantanamo tribunal officers
The Pentagon has dumped three members of a military tribunal that will hear the trials of Guantanamo prisoners, including Australian David Hicks, but kept the presiding officer despite challenges to his impartiality.
Guantanamo detainees win right for private meetings
In a defeat for the US Government, a federal judge has ruled that three prisoners held at the naval base at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba can meet with their attorneys in private. In a defeat.
Lawyers complain about Guantanamo trials
US: Lawyers for 63 detainees at the US detention camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba have complained before a US federal court at the slow pace their cases are being handled by authorities.
Judge orders US to release Guantanamo records
The United States Government must release documents within 30 days relating to the treatment of prisoners held at American overseas detention centres, including Guantanamo Bay and Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison, a US federal judge ordered.
Bush team 'knew of abuse' at Guantanamo
Evidence of prisoner abuse and possible war crimes at Guantanamo Bay reached the highest levels of the Bush administration as early as autumn 2002, but Donald Rumsfeld, the defence secretary, chose to do nothing about it, according to a new investigation.
Hicks, Habib denied a fair go: Amnesty
The secretary-general of Amnesty International has criticised the Federal Government's treatment of the two Australians detained at Guantanamo Bay.
Govt's Hicks concerns an 'election stunt', says Brown
Greens Senator Bob Brown has accused the Federal Government of an election stunt with its questions to the United States authorities about the trial of "Australian Citizen" David Hicks.
Abu Ghraib inquiry slams Aust Government
A US inquiry into the Iraqi prison abuse scandal has been highly critical of Australian, Major George O'Kane, for glossing over early warnings about the treatment of detainees.
Australian Federal Government complicity in war crimes
Complaint to Australian law officers about Australian Federal Government complicity in war crimes.
Hicks family arrives at Kangaroo Caught
Terry Hicks says he feels very emotional about seeing his son for the first time in five years.
Hicks defence team likely to gain more time
The head of the military trials planned for two Australians held at Guantanamo Bay says he believes their defence teams will be given whatever additional time they need to prepare for trial.
Hicks, Habib denied natural justice: Liberal MP
A federal Liberal MP has accused the Government of not doing enough to secure a fair trial for Guantanamo Bay detainees, David Hicks and Mamdouh Habib.
Guantanamo abuse claims prompt new inquiry calls
New claims of abuse at Guantanamo Bay Cuba have prompted fresh calls for an Australian inquiry into the treatment of detainees David Hicks and Mamdouh Habib.
Hicks movie to premiere in Adelaide
A movie about Guantanamo Bay detainee David Hicks, President versus David Hicks, by award winning filmmaker Curtis Levy will be screened in Adelaide tomorrow.
There is no justification for torture
In the weeks since the abuses at Abu Ghraib prison were revealed, evidence continues to seep out of similar mistreatment of prisoners in other US military detention centers in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Guantanamo Bay.
Guantanamo prisoners may be moved to US soil
The US authorities may move hundreds of prisoners from their controversial Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba to the United States following new Supreme Court rulings, the Los Angeles Times has reported.
Pentagon names tribunal for Hicks trial
The Pentagon has named the officers who will decide the fate of David Hicks and two other Guantanamo prisoners charged by the United States in the first US military tribunals since World War II.
US terror suspects can challenge detention
The US Supreme Court has ruled that US courts have jurisdiction to hear appeals from foreign detainees held as enemy combatants in the US military base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Hicks lawyer praises Guantanamo decision
The lawyer for an Australian man detained at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base has welcomed a US Supreme Court ruling permitting judicial appeals from foreign detainees held as enemy combatants.
Hicks and Habib in the Melting Pot
Australia: The United States has brought three criminal charges against Australian David Hicks, accusing him of conspiracy to commit war crimes, attempted murder and aiding the enemy, the Pentagon has said.
Rumsfeld had approved abuse
US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld authorised hoods, the stripping of prisoners and the use of dogs to terrify inmates at Guantanamo Bay almost two years ago, documents released yesterday revealed.
How much is that doggy in the prison? Woof woof!
Did the Iraqi prisoner's get their rations while they were treated like chums?
Failure to condemn prison abuse risks lives: Kenny
The Prime Minister is morally bankrupt stay "alert and alarmed"
Prisoner's identity concealed to prevent Red Cross access
US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, acting at the request of the CIA, ordered that a suspected Iraqi insurgent leader be detained off the books to conceal his identity from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the Pentagon has confirmed.
US has secret prisons: rights group
The United States is holding terrorism suspects in more than two dozen detention centres worldwide, about half of which operate in total secrecy, according to a new human rights report.
This won't hurt much
For some time now, I've been trying to find out where my son goes after choir practice. He simply refuses to tell me. He says it's no business of mine where he goes after choir practice and it's a free country.
Govt, police 'let off the hook' Haneef inquiry
16 years ago