US: Community Labor United: Facilitated by Critical Resistance New Orleans.
Don't miss an opportunity to join a diverse group of community members, organizations, students, workers, activists, organizers, artists, educators, experts, and spiritual leaders for a community discussion on organizing a grassroots movement to end law enforcement violence in our communities, on Saturday, July 16, 2005 from 9:00 am -- 12:00 pm at the TremZ Community Center, 900 N. Villere St. (at the corner of N. Villere and St. Phillip St.).
This educational forum will provide an opportunity for community members to develop and share organizing strategies to address the various forms of violence perpetrated against our communities including: police brutality; race/gender profiling; sexual harassment; sexual violence; strip searches; beatings; deportation; illegal arrests, detainment, and searches; use of excessive force; and police killings.
The goals of the forum are:
* To examine and discuss the various forms of law enforcement violence in our communities,
* To develop strategies and solutions to end such violence, and
* To establish a working coalition to challenge all forms of police violence and its impact on our communities.
Forum participants will also discuss the interconnections between quality education, violence, and the criminal justice system.
This breakfast forum will include a spiritual dedication, culture presentation, film screening of "Sooner or Later, Somebody's Gonna Fight Back*," and panel discussion with family members of victims and survivors of law enforcement violence, law experts, and community organizers. Panel participants include: Jerry Thomas, father of Jenard Thomas; Malcolm Suber, veteran revolutionary fighter against police terror; and Ernest Jones, civil rights & criminal defense attorney.
*The documentary film"Sooner or Later, Somebody's Gonna Fight Back" is a multimedia project, which seeks to document and examine the history and political development of the Louisiana State Chapter of the Black Panther Party. The film highlights the voices of Party members who fought against the injustices of racism, war, police brutality, unemployment, poverty, labor exploitation, mass incarceration, violence, and substandard housing and education in the America during the 1970s. The film trailer contains in-depth interviews, rare film footage, and historical photos.
Special Announcement:
For those with disposable income, please bring $10 to support T.W.A.'s
(Teens with Attitude) carwash fundraiser.
Co-sponsors of this forum include: Community Labor United (CLU), Critical Resistance New Orleans, Deep South Regional Humanities Center, National Lawyers Guild, Treme Community Center, Students-at-the-Center, INCITE! New Orleans, Urban Unrest, Justice for Jenard Thomas Committee, Teens with Attitude (TWA), National Coalition to Free the Angola 3, NOLAPS, Books to Prisoners, Nowe Miasto, New Orleans Local Organizing Committee, the Louisiana Action Network, the Frederick Douglas Community Coalition, Orleans Parish Prison Reform Coalition, and LaRice.
By Pilar Maschi posted 18 July 05
Racial Justice Day 2005
Religious congregations across the city will have services of remembrance & resistance, as a reminder to us all that police violence & brutality are real and continuing threats to the safety of communities throughout NYC and the nation.
Restrictions on police stun guns
UK: The controversial Taser stun gun is a "dangerous weapon" which should not yet be issued to all frontline police officers, Home Office minister Hazel Blears has said.
CPS drops prosecution over death in custody
UK: The family of Roger Sylvester, who died after being restrained by police officers, yesterday expressed their disappointment at a decision by the Crown Prosecution Service not to prosecute any of the officers involved.
Death in Custody: Douglas Bruce Scott
We congratulate Ms Letty Scott, her Family and her supporters, of which the writer counts himself and this Association as being, towards their successful twenty year struggle for Justice.
This is for all the children, now, and those to be............
Rally to seek fresh Hickey hearings
A community rally calling for the reopening of the inquest into the death of Aboriginal teenager Thomas 'TJ' Hickey will be held at Walgett in northern New South Wales today.
Doomadgee's body released for burial
The body of a man who died in custody on Palm Island last month has been released for burial.
NSW Police Force: 2 dead, $1 million dollars to catch a thief?
NSW police have expressed concern about their response to the Macquarie Fields riots in south-western Sydney after a police pursuit that killed two young youths Dylan Rayward 17, and Mathew Robertson, 19 that went horribly wrong.
Community disturbed by riot violence?
Don't blame it on the social mix, don't blame it on the housing estate, don't blame it on the dysfunctional community but blame it on the Police Force!
The ALP's fascist police states
Welcome back Sid-in-knee. Old Falangist Samaranch would surely feel right at home in any number of fascist police states around this wide brown land today. Who needs Franco when you have Beattie, Rann, Carr, Bracks and co. Flamin' fascist fucks the lot of them.
AFP: The unlikely CRIMINAL
It was born of a bombing and it made its name after a far more devastating act of terrorism. But for most of the 25 years in between, little was known about the Australian Federal Police force or the work it did.
When the Ombudsman investigates police in most States and Territories of Australia they set about asking the police to investigate themselves to see if there is any validity to a complaint.
Fatal accident prompts police pursuit probe
A fatal car accident in New South Wales has prompted a review of the procedures police use during high-speed pursuits.
Bent cop no different
34-year-old police inspector Shane Cribb, who shot a man shouldn't be treated differently than any other person charged with the same offence.
Random police raid terrorised residents
A police task Force randomly targeting gang warfare is investigating nine murders and one disappearance, including a shooting death that sparked a dramatic random dawn raid in south-western Sydney yesterday.
Failure to sack 'racist' prison staff condemned
UK: Two prison officers suspended for racism are still on full pay three years after a stash of Nazi memorabilia, neo-fascist literature and Ku Klux Klan-inspired 'nigger-hunting licences' was found in a police raid on their home.
I was in custody in NSW six weeks ago, and was a victim of an aggravated assault incited by a prison officer. Despite this happening in front of many witnesses, including correctional services officers and other detainees, and under mandatory video surveillance, a formal complaint to the NSW Commissioner of Corrective Services an his Professional Conduct Management Committee only revealed that as far as they were concerned, this didn't happen.
ICOPA XI International Conference on Penal Abolition
We are excited to announce that ICOPA X1, the eleventh International Conference on Penal Abolition will happen in Tasmania, Australia from February 9 - 11,2006. Please pass this onto all networks.
Baxter visit convinces Burke of need for royal commission
AUSTRALIA/CUBA Federal Labor's new immigration spokesman Tony Burke says after visiting the Baxter detention centre he is now more convinced then ever of the need for a royal commission into immigration detention.
Association for the Prevention of Torture
What needs to be done now? The Optional Protocol requires 20 ratifications to enter into force. All States Parties to the UN Convention against Torture should seriously consider ratifying the OPCAT as soon as possible. National Institutions and others promoting the human rights of people deprived of their liberty need to be informed of their potential role as national preventive mechanisms under the OPCAT.
Unlock the Box:
Unlock the Box is a product of many years of struggle to shut down the Security Housing Units in California. During this time, the United Front to Abolish the SHU was created as a forum to coordinate the actions of everyone involved in this campaign.
Baxter,'akin to the time in Nazi Germany'
I went to Baxter this Easter just past, and became more aware that this time is akin to the time in Nazi Germany when the concentration camps were being set up.
Overhaul Department of Justice: Reform Group
WA: The Prison Reform Group of WA is calling for a complete overhaul of the Department of Justice following recent events which have compromised its integrity, placing prison staff, prisoners, their families and the community, at risk. We call for the Minister to publicly apologise for last week's debacle which has seen the public badly let down by the Department of Justice yet again.
Detention Centres, Solitary Confinement
On Friday night the NSW Council for Civil Liberties awarded Sydney solicitor John Marsden honorary life membership. Julian Burnside was invited to make the speech in Marsden's honour. In the course of his speech, Burnside referred to the unregulated use of solitary confinement in Australia's immigration detention centres, criticising it as inhumane and also as unlawful.
Abu Ghraib, USA
When I first saw the photo, taken at the Abu Ghraib prison, of a hooded and robed figure strung with electrical wiring, I thought of the Sacramento, California, city jail.
On Solitary Confinement
There has been much written about solitary confinement by some of the world's leading psychiatrists, but very little written by victims of solitary themselves. I believe that the 32 years I have spent in solitary qualifies me for the task.
Failure to condemn prison abuse risks lives: Kenny
The Prime Minister is morally bankrupt stay "alert and alarmed"