Welcome back Sid-in-knee. Old Falangist Samaranch would surely feel right at home in any number of fascist police states around this wide brown land today. Who needs Franco when you have Beattie, Rann, Carr, Bracks and co. Flamin' fascist fucks the lot of them.
ALP luvvies
Queensland Attorney General Rod Welford is seeking a Supreme Court order to keep another prisoner in jail indefinitely, even though he has served his sentence, because he remains a risk to the community.
According to the ALP government of Queensland.
Rapist Robert John Fardon late last year became the first prisoner to be held in jail indefinitely under Queensland's controversial new Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) Act, even though he had served out his sentence.
The legislation has split the legal profession in Queensland with the state's Court of Appeal president, Justice Margaret McMurdo, commenting last year the law compromised the integrity of the judicial system.
The Prisoners Legal Service, acting on his behalf, has since appealed to the High Court arguing the legislation is unconstitutional.
The West Australian Government is facing a challenge in the Human Rights Commission over its curfew for children, a challenge which could end up in court.
The Youth Affairs Council has asked the Commission to investigate whether the curfew for inner city Perth is legal.
Bob Carr released his Terrorism, [scapegoat], (Police Powers) Bill 2002. Carr give's the police minister the responsibility for authorising what are, in effect, serial states of emergency.
Target areas, people, and objects can be declared, allowing police untrammelled power to break into your home or vehicle and search it, and to frisk or strip search you.
'State of Siege'
Section 13 of Carr's bill states: "An authorisation (and any decision of the Police Minister under this part with respect to the authorisation) may not be challenged, reviewed, quashed or called into question on any grounds whatsoever before any court, tribunal, body or person in any legal proceedings, or restrained, removed, or otherwise affected by proceedings in the nature of prohibition or mandamus."
Since then we have seen widespread use of police dogs against citizens. Federal Police-state legislation, is is flanked by similar bills in several states, particularly in New South Wales and Victoria.
NSW Premier Genghis Carr, has introduced legislation giving the police extraordinary powers to conduct searches without warrants, of vehicles, sites, or individuals for a seven day period.
Carr has additionally said that anyone who lives a "suspicious lifestyle" could expect to be investigated under these new laws.
In Victoria, Premier Steve Bracks introduced legislation allowing police to secretly break into homes or vehicles in search of "evidence of terrorism."
[Fishing expeditions to line up scapegoats without probable Cause.]
July 17 2002
Victorian Premier Jeff Bracks has announced new laws allowing police to search people for weapons, and imposing fines on those who refuse. The law is similar to the NSW Police and Public Safety Act, which allows police to conduct random knife searches. NSW police have been criticized for using knife search statistics to mislead the public; since the Act went into force, and despite the confiscation of 15,000 weapons, knife assaults have increased by 10%.
March 27 2003
In an Australia-first, the Bracks Government is legislating to make cyberstalking a crime punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment.
Attorney General Rob Hulls today announced that he was amending the Crimes Act's current definition of stalking to include email communication, the manipulation of the operating system on another person's computer, and the publishing of offensive material electronically.
"Stalking will not be tolerated in Victoria, whether it takes place in the streets of Melbourne or cyberspace. The Crimes (Stalking) Bill delivers on the Bracks Government commitment for safer streets, safer public places and safer communities across all of Victoria," Mr Hulls said.
"Since cyberstalking can occur from anywhere in the world the reforms have been extended to allow extra-territorial operation," Mr Hulls said.
"That means the Bracks Government's cyberstalking laws will apply to people living interstate or overseas if they are found to be stalking a person residing in Victoria, or a person living in Victoria who uses technology to stalk a victim residing interstate or overseas."
Mr Hulls said current provisions did not currently deal with cases of stalking where a victim might be being followed and in very real danger, but unaware of the threat.
"This new legislation will remove the requirement that the victim be aware of the stalking behaviour in order for it to be considered an offence," Mr Hulls said.
"Removing the requirement that the victim be aware of the stalking behaviour will enable police to intervene earlier and provide better protection to prospective victims," Mr Hulls said.
There's more, lot's more but we all know how to google right?
The Alternative Liberal Parties seem to want to combine the worst of capitalism with the worst of communism. Bit like their UK counterparts actually...
By pr posted 23 July 04
You have choses Bob The Barbarian!
New laws to make it difficult for people charged with terrorism offences to get bail have been whisked through the New South Wales Parliament after only being introduced earlier today.
Carr Govt dramatic increases in the NSW prisoner pop...
Following the opening of the 500 bed Kempsey prison, and a new 200-bed prison for women at Windsor the Council of Social Service of NSW (NCOSS) and community organisations specialising in the rehabilitation of prisoners, have expressed concern....
Up there Khasali: Innocent man new bail laws
The New South Wales Supreme Court has asked innocent man Bilal Khazal to increase to amount of surety offered, before the bail is formally continued.
Islamic movement denies links to Al Qaeda
The Islamic Youth Movement has denied having any links to Al Qaeda and says it is considering legal action against the Four Corners program. In a statement released early this morning, the group rejects allegations it is helping coordinate any kind of terrorist network inside Australia and says it is being unfairly targeted.
He was an undercover agent for the blues
He was my journalist, he was working undercover. The fellow knew all of the moves.... He really had me romping, bare footing stomping. He just kept igniting my fuse....
Putting Your Finger on the Line: Biometric Identification Technology The NSW Department of Corrective Services has progressively been implementing biometric identification technology (BIT) for use on all entrants into maximum security prisons since August 1996. It currently operates in seven prisons in NSW and is scheduled for introduction at Parklea prison later this year. BIT has raised the ire of many community agencies, the legal fraternity and government authorities. Framed examines what the controversy is all about and what the implications of this technology are.
The ACT Government has drafted a new Bill to implement Home Detention This very discriminatory type of sentence also punishes the family. It is questionable that it has been successful anywhere it has been tried.
Govt tests airport security eye scanner
Technology that identifies people by scanning their eyes could be introduced into Australian airports as early as next year.
law and order days over, says Blair
Their 3D-iD system is ideal for both stationary assets, such as large physical inventories or for mobile assets like people and portable equipment.
Fingerprints now required for US visas
United States consulates in Australia have begun taking fingerprints from Australians applying for visas.
I won't be a criminal for you!
The only looming rules are for fools giving up personal details to the Devil in the first place when visiting the US.
Welcome to the MatrixB
US - In what civil liberties advocates call the most massive database surveillance program in US history, the Multistate Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange, or Matrix, continues to compile billions of records on law-abiding citizens and receive federal funding, despite public outcry and suspicion.