But why is being an ex-crim and going to work a crime?
With the John HoWARd government's skilled and unskilled job shortages one does not have to wonder why?
The government won't employ ex-crims and now they're pushing the private sector into putting them off so they can join the unemployment que?
The latest target by the fascist HoWARd Government is the Airport workers' and wharfies with convictions for crimes such as assault and theft that could be sacked or denied a security clearance under the fascist plan.
The HoWARd Government will also move to appoint security supremos at Sydney and other major airports around Australia.
The pro-government corporate Newspaper the Un-Australian is jumping up and down intimating that the government sack honest workers as well as those who have been charged with a criminal offence.
But it makes you wonder whether they're too close to the action? How about they reveal their sources?
And if everyone who has a past criminal conviction has to get the sack because some right wing religious corporate media giant jumps up and down whether they're doing it for HoWARd or not, then you can bet all they're doing is trying to protect their own greedy interests. Of course it's a two way street, tit for tat and a pat on the back.
How can the corporations ensure there is no disruption to their precious tourist industry that reportedly brings in 20 Billion dollars a year opposed to the working-men-and-women's meagre living wage?
Shame about the jobs and other people's lively-hoods, that doesn't count.
How about News Limited employs these people?
The new team will have unprecedented powers to pursue criminal leads and co-ordinate the role of agencies including Customs, the Australian Federal Police and ASIO.
The planned security blitz allegedly follows embarrassing revelations published in The Un-Australian alleging that baggage handlers and other staff at Sydney Airport had been involved in organised crime.
But like I said how about identifying their sources?
Come on down John HoWARd's tourist industry opposed to the hard working men and women of this country trying to pay off a mortgage or make ends meet, just to survive.
What we need is a national industrial strike!
Government sources deny today's cabinet debate is a knee-jerk response to last week's outcry. That's because no doubt they initiated the material that went to the Un-Australian as per usual. They'd like you to think that the Un-Australian found it - but in reverse, it is more likely than not - the other way around.
It takes the heat of the fascist oppressors the HoWARd Government because they want you to think that it is someone else's finding, that they need to act on. But if the truth, be known the Government is creating the problem.
The Un-Australian: "Well-placed sources said last night that workers with convictions for even minor crimes could be axed, if they had been convicted several times."
A massive stocktake of all airport workers will be undertaken.
"This will be a central attack on criminality at airports," one senior government figure, familiar with the cabinet plan, told The Australian.
And it will cast the net much wider than the present security framework, which focuses on workers suspected of having any links with terrorism.
But it is likely to trigger union criticism that the Government is being over-zealous in preventing anyone with a criminal conviction from working in sensitive transport areas.
While cabinet will focus on cleaning up airport security, the Government is also likely to extend the crackdown to the nation's ports.
Deputy Prime Minister Anderson's plan will make it harder for people to obtain an Aviation Security Identity Card if they have been charged with a range of medium-level offences.
Conviction for minor crimes could see workers banned from working around airline baggage and other cargo.
Mr Anderson admitted last week that the Government needed to tighten up who worked at airports."
The bullshit from Anderson reported in the Un-Australian about what the community wants?
The Un-Australian: Anderson: "The community now wants us to look at who is a fit and proper person on those issues of criminality," he said.
But this is what the government wants not what the community wants because the Un-Australian has not given up their sources?
Allegedly, this followed the revelation, in The Australian, that a man who had served eight years in jail for drug smuggling was still working at Sydney Airport.
The Government is the problem
THE Un-Australian: A "classified Customs report" also"
They mean along the Un-Australian's Revelations?
The Un-Australian: "cited many workers convicted of lesser crimes including vehicle thefts, car re-birthing, escaping from custody and firearm offences."
But all those revelations came from the government itself and not the Un-Australian surely?
Now every time the pro-government media says something is wrong and - the government reacts to it like they have to - then you know damn well that it is the government's intention all along - only now they have to invest little time convincing you -because you think you need it, according to the Un-Australian - whose plan is to undermine Australia for the corporate US giants.
The Un-Australian: "About 50 workers have been removed from airports, or denied an ASIC clearance, under a sweep prompted by fears of a terrorist attack. But cabinet will consider a more fundamental crackdown on criminal behaviour, less than a fortnight since the conviction of Schapelle Corby for drug smuggling in Bali.
An international security expert is likely to oversee the review of ASIC holders and the introduction of the tougher rules.
The Government has been under pressure from Qantas chief executive Geoff Dixon and Sydney Airport boss Max Moore-Wilton to tighten up criminal checks?
Qantas revealed last week that Sydney and Brisbane joined Mumbai as the only airports in its network of 100 major destinations that did not have a permanent uniformed police presence dedicated to community policing and crime prevention.
Mr Moore-Wilton renewed the pressure yesterday when he told Sydney radio that ASIC checks concentrating on terrorism but not crime had pointed to a "big gap in practical thinking".
An ex-crim is not an honest person?
"You can't separate them," he said. "The public and, certainly I -- and I know Geoff Dixon as well -- want honest people working at the airport so that the general public can feel they are safe and they don't have 'criminals' handling or tampering with their baggage."
And I suppose they don't want 'ex-criminals' taking a funking holiday either? He did mean 'ex-criminals' didn't he?
And another job bites the dust
Mr Moore-Wilton who is not working along side HoWARd? Said authorities had to make sure people with "a criminal record or criminal intent" did not work at airports. He said the identity card system had to be made foolproof.
Now they have criminal intent? So we have ex-criminals, criminals, and now people with criminal intent, sound familiar? Does he tune in to CH/10 thriving on CRIMINAL INTENT ON SUNDAY NIGHTS?
THE UN-AUSTRALIAN: "Aviation sources have raised concerns that criminal checks for the cards do not go far enough, have a 10-year limit on crimes that can be considered and do not require applicants to be fingerprinted.
Asked about reports that workers could easily use the cards to swipe other people through security gates, Mr Moore-Wilton said: "That's not acceptable. And, I think, we've got to get the police to get their act together."
He Did Time, So He's Unfit to Do Hair
She has managed to turn life in federal prison into a nifty career move. Her company's stock is soaring, and she has plans for not one but two television shows. It almost makes you wonder why the Enron types are fighting so hard to stay out of jail.
Six weeks, six months, six years: inmates have little chance of making fresh start
Even prisoners who serve short sentences are likely to suffer long-term consequences, including increased rates of homelessness and unemployment.
The Criminal Law (Rehabilitation of Offenders) Act 1986 Qld
The Criminal Law (Rehabilitation of Offenders) Act 1986 (Qld), requires that any person who has committed an offence which is less than 10 years old or which resulted in a prison sentence of more than 30 months, must disclose that offence if requested eg. for employment purposes. If a criminal record is disclosed in a job application, it is unlikely that person will be given the job.
Judged Forever- The Orange County Register
California's largest job-placement program for parolees will be shut down May 31 after an Orange County Register investigation found that ex-convicts were sent to questionable jobs and that the state was charged for placements that did not occur.
Justice Action In 'JAIL'?
Jobs after jail: She had a drug conviction some years ago - was selected for public service job in August. A few days before she was due to start, the department concerned told her she couldn't have the job. She has also been advised that she can't sit on the committee of any organisation (e.g. NSW Justice Advocacy or similar).
Name removed by request served time in prison decades ago. Shes still being punished today. According to commonwealth and state legislation, ex-prisoners applying for jobs must declare any conviction that fits into the following categories: less than 10 years old, more than 10 years old but served more than 30 months in prison
By Stop Kidding Ex-Crims 7 June
The Canterbury-Bankstown Peace Group & the Justice for Hicks & Habib Campaign welcome the statement by Amnesty International Secretary General Irene Khan, condemning the US Administration for condoning torture and the suppression of 'human rights' in their 'war on terror'.
If he'd been given his passport he'd be a free man
A Sydney man [scapegoat in the Coalition of the Killings resource wars in the Middle East] has been found not guilty of preparing for a terrorist attack on a Commonwealth building [ruling class propaganda.]
Threat of terrorism overblown, says Kirby
The High Court judge Michael Kirby has urged Australia's security chiefs and judges not to exaggerate the risk of terrorism, saying that more people die of AIDS every day than were killed in the World Trade Centre in the September 11 [US false flag] attacks.
Trial by unrelated video clips
Should alleged terrorist suspects [scapegoats for the resource wars in the Middle East] be shown on television side-by side-'terrorist training camp film clips' gathered by the government and media archives to give the wrong impression of accused people facing trial?
Accused Australian Citizen 'denied passport in 2002'?
AN AUSTRALIAN CITIZEN who was refused a passport by DFAT in mid-2002 became frustrated at the government for treating him differently.
Court should be told Gov't using 'Jack'!
A Melbourne court should have been told a man accused of working for Al Qaeda is being used by the fascist Australian Government as a pawn in their leverage to win support for their illegal and degrading activities.
Noble Cause Torture?
AUSTRALIA: The Labor Party has decided not to support a Senate inquiry into new allegations made by Mamdouh Habib that the Australian Government cooperated with Egyptian intelligence authorities who he insists tortured him.
New account adds weight to interrogation claims
Australia/Cuba/Iraq: The fascist Federal Government is under further pressure today because Australians were involved in the interrogation of tortured Iraqi prisoners.
Australian senate accused govt of war crimes
Did you hear the one about David Hicks and Mamdouh Habib having a Barbeque in Afghanistan with Bin Laden? Yeah it was reported on Channel Seven's Sunrise this morning! But they don't know if it was a sheep or a goat, but sources say it was most likely a goat.
DPP to appeal innocent man's bail
The Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) will seek to have an innocent Melbourne man Joseph 'Jack' Thomas, returned to isolation in custody?
Fascist Australian Govt torture exposed
The fascist Federal Government has been exposed for the torture of Australian Mamdouh Habib and the US Government's allegations against him (if they were true) would have been made under duress.
Innocent witch verballed by federal fascists!
Shame on the federal fascists. The wicked old witch is dead! A Melbourne Magistrates Court has heard that a 31-year-old innocent Victorian man was facing terrorism charges?
Lawyer blames police for Habib break-in
John HoWARd, Alexander Downer, Phillip Ruddock, Robert Hill, to name just a few....HOW DO YOU PLEAD?
No reason for Habib to sell story: Beazley?
Federal Agreement Leader Kim Beazley is a well-paid loser. A loser who supposed to be defending our democratic rights by standing up to the HoWARd Government's fascism.
Australia: a presumption of guilt......
KAREN PERCY: Two of Australia's leading barristers have seized on the return of Guantanamo Bay detainee, Mamdouh Habib, to launch an unprecedented attack on the Federal Attorney General, Philip Ruddock.
Aust Community criticises Govt for 'crimes'!
Australia: The Law Council of Australia is warning that the Federal Government must learn from its mistakes over Guantanamo Bay? Now that's a mistake!
Australian Govt Guilty of Crimes: Community
Australia: The community says federal fascists who allowed the torture of its citizenry including Mamdouh Habib may be arrested when the United Nations War Crimes Tribunal address the War Crimes Indictment set out by the community.
What they did to Habib
Mamdouh Habib was the victim of atrocities fit for a concentration camp, including being tied to the ground while a prostitute menstruated on him, his lawyer said yesterday.
Australian Federal Government complicity in war crimes
Complaint to Australian law officers about Australian Federal Government complicity in war crimes.
There is no justification for torture
In the weeks since the abuses at Abu Ghraib prison were revealed, evidence continues to seep out of similar mistreatment of prisoners in other US military detention centers in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Guantanamo Bay.
Howard rejects spy agency overhaul
Prime Minister John Howard has played down the need for a major overhaul of Australia's spy agencies as a result of an inquiry by former intelligence officer Phillip Flood.
Fascist Australian Govt torture exposed
The fascist Federal Government has been exposed for the torture of Australian Mamdouh Habib and the US Government's allegations against him (if they were true) would have been made under duress.
Innocent witch verballed by federal fascists!
Shame on the federal fascists. The wicked old witch is dead! A Melbourne Magistrates Court has heard that a 31-year-old innocent Victorian man was facing terrorism charges?
Innocent Victorian man held in custody for Xmas?!
Lawyers have argued the case against Mr Thomas was weak and based on a statement he made in Pakistan without a lawyer present and therefore unlawful.
Innocent Melbourne man makes second bail bid
Rubish, just plain propaganda, fear-mongering, draconian nonsence from the HoWARd goverment's war agenda stink tank.
MPs to review spy agency powers
Australian spy agency ASIO'S controversial powers to detain and question suspected terrorists [scapegoats for HoWARd's resource wars] will be re-examined by a parliamentary committee. Parliament passed the new counter-terrorism powers in July last year.
Goulburn Jail breaches UN standards
NSW: Greens MP Lee Rhiannon has called on Justice Minister John Hatzistergos to bring Goulburn Jail's Maximum Security Wing into line with United Nations standards, after a prison inmate's covert survey of his fellow inmates revealed problems with rehabilitation programs and basic amenities.
Lodhi toilet paper: crap!
He is facing nine charges and is accused of planning a major terrorist attack on Sydney defence sites and the electricity grid using downloads off the internet and having 100 rolls of toilet paper to wipe his arse after low level bombs and farts.
Brain injury for suspicion 'inhumane'
Faheem Khalid Lodhi refused bail by a Sydney court and remanded until June in hell at the (HARM-U) High Risk Management Unit at Goulburn. While he is in there he will receive a brain injury and is likely to self-harm due to the gross violation of living standards.
Ul-Haque 'the man who wants to become a doctor'
The taskforce is investigating French man Willie Brigitte, who was tipped back home for a visa breach. Allegedly the Un-Australian Newspaper claimed he also attended training camps before his six-month stay in Sydney. Police have not alleged Mr Ul-Haque knew Brigitte. The Un-Australian just mentioned it because they are 'you guessed it' up John Howard's butt and they like the USA want 'you guessed it' our Federal Government. Well Yankee go home!
Daily Terror rolled-over for Howard's war games
The DAILY TERROR is suspected of being the source of the news this morning that Willie Brigitte is a terrorist and that Sydney faces a bomb attack.
Ruddock foreshadows new terrorism laws
The new laws will allow police to access emails and mobile phone SMS messages, enable wider use of surveillance devices, and protect sensitive national security information during terrorism trials.
Community seeks more power to interrogate ASIO suspects
Greens Senator Bob Brown does not think increased police powers are necessary. "We have enormous powers for surveillance, apprehension or punishment of people who are engaged in or intending to engage in or thinking about being engaged in terrorist acts in this country," he said.
Greens warn of 'politicised' terror trials
AUSTRALIA/CUBA?: The Australian Greens say they are concerned that new anti-terrorism laws being debated in the Senate allow for the "political black-banning" of defence lawyers at terrorism trials.
Lawyer claims Al Qaeda suspect's evidence tainted!
Before returning to Australia last year, Thomas was arrested and held in custody for five months by Pakistani authorities before being released without charge.
Man terrorised by ASIO remanded in 'AA' isolation!
A Victorian man has been remanded in custody after being charged with terrorism offences, including having links to Al Qaeda?
Melbourne man charged over ASIO links
ASIO a know Australian terrorist organization is verballing the community again...about allegations that a man, while living overseas, received funds from Al Qaeda and had close association with the members of the terrorist group.
A court has been told Joseph Thomas is a sleeper? ZZZ! Melbourne Australia: A court has been told that Osama bin Laden asked a Melbourne man to become a "sleeper" in Australia before undertaking activities for the Al Qaeda network? Munchkins: "Ding Dong! The Witch is dead. Which old Witch? The Wicked Witch! Ding Dong! The Wicked Witch is dead."
AFP: The unlikely CRIMINAL
It was born of a bombing and it made its name after a far more devastating act of terrorism. But for most of the 25 years in between, little was known about the Australian Federal Police force or the work it did.
Mamdouh Habib: Taunted and Tortured!
Four Corners [Walls]: Terrorist - or Taunted by the Australian Defence Force who sacked him as a cleaning contractor? Who is Mamdouh Habib? And why was he harassed by the Australian Federal Police? Then tagged and labelled as a spy? Why was he vilified by the community? When he fled to Pakistan how did he end up being tortured in Egypt? And how did he end up at Guantanamo prison camp reserved for the men America calls "the worst of the worst.
He was an undercover agent for the blues
He was my journalist, he was working undercover. The fellow knew all of the moves.... He really had me romping, bare footing stomping. He just kept igniting my fuse....
Up there Khasali: Innocent man new bail laws
The New South Wales Supreme Court has asked innocent man Bilal Khazal to increase to amount of surety offered, before the bail is formally continued.
Young men terrorised, tortured, and threatened with charges for no crime by Australia mate the lucky country. Lucky if you're not used for Howard's FEDERAL ELECTION and George Dubya's WAR ON LIBERTY! Who shot liberty? IGNORANCE!
Keelty foresees more terrorism
Australian Federal Police (AFP) Commissioner Mick Keelty says terrorist groups will continue to find new ways to threaten countries.
Islamic movement denies links to Al Qaeda
The Islamic Youth Movement has denied having any links to Al Qaeda and says it is considering legal action against the Four Corners program. In a statement released early this morning, the group rejects allegations it is helping coordinate any kind of terrorist network inside Australia and says it is being unfairly targeted.
2nd Renaissance -10 The War on Witches [150]
In 1484, Pope Innocent VIII issued a Papal Bull that became the rationale for establishing the Inquisition in Germany. The following excerpt from the Bull sets out the official view of the danger of witches to the community. The Bull and this this passage provided the sole excuse for the torture and cruel executions that were, ultimately, to be the fate of up to fifty percent of the population of some villages.