Police Selective Commission? So how does the PIC decide police integrity overall?
A sacked Sydney police officer has finished giving testimony at a hearing into his corrupt activities over the past eight years. Christopher John Laycock was yesterday recalled to the witness stand at the Police Integrity Commission (PIC).
Laycock was selected by the PIC because he wouldn't play the Police game 'Nobel Cause Corruption'? Instead he went his own way 'monkey see monkey do' so the PIC wrapped him up and bundled him out?
He was questioned about his role in an investigation into the fatal shooting of a man in Sydney's inner-west last year after he was allegedly killed for not paying up for his drugs.
Police wouldn't be behind the killing would they? Police weren't supplying the drugs? Killing the man because they never got paid?
Because police don't have guns? And cannot cover up investigations? Because they don't investigate themselves do they?
And to top it off police don't sell drugs? Therefore the fatal shooting of a man in Sydney's inner-west last year will be swept under the carpet?
The 33-year-old has already confessed that he accepted money from a murder suspect in the case. A murder suspect he colluded with no doubt and in any case would make Laycock no less guilty than the killer. Question is why isn't Laycock a suspect in the murder?
He has maintained that a police report that he filed was not written to take the heat off the suspect?
In earlier evidence, Mr Laycock admitted that he tipped off a suspect in a pornography investigation in exchange for payment.
The commission has also heard that he proposed to kidnap and extort money from criminals.
Criminals? People! And no less than the criminal Laycock and no less than the Criminal police who purport to solve crimes everyday but instead commit to the Carr governments Noble Cause Corruption because it's politically correct.
But when they decide to work for themselves because the law is corrupt anyway the PIC wallops them.
What the public need is for Laycock to be questioned about what led him to start working for himself and whether he had to set other people up for crimes they didn't commit to appease his superiors which led to him to start working for himself.
He was a detective at Burwood police station in Sydney's west before his sacking last month.
The hearing will resume today.
By Starsky and Hutch 8 December 04
Will Laycock get a pension after he goes to jail like the police informer M5 who gave evidence at the Wood Royal Commission against six other corrupt cops who wouldn't play the game? Just shows you how committed the police are they pay victims compensation to the offenders.
Corrupt NSW police officer sacked
New South Wales Police Commissioner Ken Moroney has sacked an officer who confessed to being involved in corrupt activities over the past eight years.
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Officer planned to kidnap criminals
A senior Sydney police officer who has admitted taking money for tipping off a child porn suspect had also been planning to kidnap criminals and extort money from them, the Police Integrity Commission heard yesterday.
Police offer protection to family following gang rape allegations
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NSW police prosecutor charged with child porn possession
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Police, teachers charged in child porn bust
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A corrupt way to treat the community?
I seen the police bleeding on Nine's Sunday program arguing that promotion should depend on how many crimes police have solved and not how many brains they have and that was coming from police commissioner Ken Moroney and Police Minister John Watkins?
Judges Blood Sample: After the fact of the fact of a hangover?
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NSW police drug amnesty under review
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Police to uphold law not decide mental health
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Redfern police need education not weapons
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Bulldogs simply not the best!
Clive Small, NSW Inspector Gadget
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2,500, crooked detectives? Or a corrupt Government?
The Wood Royal Commission into police corruption. Where did the police learn their trade skills? Led by example perhaps?
Lord Denning
Interesting how a member of the Police Board Mr. Tim Priest would hold grave fears for his safety from dangerouse senior police but fails to name them or have them sacked. Rather Priest resigns as if he had no powers. Could that mean what he was saying is that the Governments are also corrupt?
Black Nexus
The Separation of Powers Doctrine is nowcontaminated witharangeofcolours, now leaving us with a black shirt on a once blue bridge that crossed that thin blue line. The 'Amery and Woodham show'.
Partners in crime - history!
Roger Rogerson, the old hero, who never faced a result in the Lanfranchy, or Huckstepp murders, was let off in my opinion when the New South Wales Government rolled the legal system (deciding what evidence to give the police prosecutor) to have the jury believe the illusion they (the Government wanted to create).Similarly, Peter Ryan facing the Police Integrity Commission for questions about his involvement in the demise of the dysfunctional reform unit. Chess in the court (rolling the legal system).
Australia's Political Underworld...And their enforcers
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Federal Police
AFP: The unlikely CRIMINAL
It was born of a bombing and it made its name after a far more devastating act of terrorism. But for most of the 25 years in between, little was known about the Australian Federal Police force or the work it did.
Govt, police 'let off the hook' Haneef inquiry
16 years ago