Detective Sergeant Steve Leach: Suicide
NSW: CH/9 Sunday: "The suicide of one of NSW's most senior investigators in August has underlined a crisis gripping the state's police service" [? police force.]
I seen the police bleeding on Nine's Sunday program arguing that promotion should depend on how many crimes police have solved and not how many brains they have and that was coming from police commissioner Ken Moroney and Police Minister John Watkins?
Because solving crime then becomes a reason to get a promotion? As had been the case prior the Wood Commission into police corruption that led to all the changes in the first place.
That means more noble cause corruption, verbals and load ups as well as lots of innocent people being framed.
Then those who have solved crime? get promoted and lead the police force at the highest levels of corruption? [Clive Small].
Sunday: "Detective Sergeant Steve Leach was one of New South Wales' finest detectives, having helped collar the notorious serial killer Ivan Milat"
[? But Milat was Framed for the Tourist Industry.]
FIRM Friends of Ivan Robert Milat
Sunday: "He also cracked the 15-year old mystery of the disappearance and murder of Sydney schoolgirl Samantha Knight. Later he worked as a war crimes investigator in the former Yugoslavia.
Yet when he returned to Sydney, he was unable to gain a promotion to end his career as a commissioned officer.
He gave no reason for his suicide, but many of his peers in the police force identified with the shabby treatment meted out to him by his superiors."
[He never got promoted! Get the violin out?]
Sunday: "New South Wales, like many states and provinces in western nations, has reformed the fundamental principles of management and supervision of its police service. In the mid-1990s, the Wood Royal Commission highlighted corruption among the state's detectives and a lack of adequate supervision of police.
2,500 crooked detectives? Or a corrupt Government?
The Wood Royal Commission into police corruption. Where did the police learn their trade skills? Led by example perhaps?
Sunday: "The result saw sweeping changes to the structure of policing in NSW. In 1997, a new promotion system was established which no longer recognised the "primacy of experience" when assessing applicants."
[And no longer recognised noble cause corruption as in assessing applicants for a promotion based on skills they said they had!]
Sunday: "Detectives of Steve Leach's era found they had little chance of promotion against a new breed of tertiary-educated cops, who understood and exploited the system" [Clive Small?]
"Sunday spoke with a number of Leach's colleagues who talked of their own bitter experience of trying to adapt to the new system. They told of the despair they felt at competing with younger, less experienced colleagues and failing to secure even an interview for positions up for grabs."
The headkicker!
"Former NSW detective Mick Kennedy is now researching trends in modern policing for a PhD. He believes the root of the crisis facing Steve Leach's generation is a lack of support for field officers. "...all of the time that you're dealing with those murky, dirty-hands areas of work, what you're doing at the back of your mind ... it needs to be constantly reinforced that you're dependent upon your organisation to support you in times of crisis or when things go bad."
"Former Assistant Commissioner Geoff Schuberg, who compiled a report for the NSW Government on the promotions system, told Sunday that the new approach had destroyed morale amongst police. He and other former police warned that many senior officers were not qualified for the roles they had been given. The handling of riots in Redfern this year highlighted a lack of experienced decision makers among the new breed of commanders"?
"Meanwhile in Victoria, detectives are also feeling the wind of change as Chief Commissioner Christine Nixon tries to rid the force of corrupt police. Those she cannot charge with criminal offences, she is prepared to name and shame through parliament or sack using discretionary powers.
Legendary former detective Brian Murphy, believes that some officers are being used as political pawns as the top brass tries to reassure the public of the integrity of the force. [?]
[When Nine's Sunday program aired this story it's not surprising either. Corporations back more corruption in the community, so they too, can get their own way by being let off or not named, like the case or the Bulldogs Football Players pack rape for example!
But let me tell you that you haven't broken from the chain unless you see the reality that's behind this cry from the heart that would only encourage more police corruption.
There may have been a time when police had responsibility but they let themselves down.
The reality is what you have perceived in front of you all that time is what was actually projected from behind you and that monster is sinister. Some of us have 'seen the light' even more than once!
Now the police want to get a promotion for solving crime or loading someone up? Opposed to the Wood Royal Commissions recommendations that promotion should depend on academic skills that have been "attained" as well as "police skills" not just when some cop "claims he solved a crime" and now because of that should be promoted?
I have a reference from the Director General of this state that puts him in bed with the devil and I guess it all starts from there, considering he's behind the scenes no matter what party is in power.
And if Bob Carr is a crook what about the alternative John Brogden the Neo- Liberal slayer? Makes me puke!]
No link provided to the Sunday program because it doesn't rate!
By Propaganda Monster 15 November 04
Redfern Police
Redfern police need education not weapons
According to the description of one senior police officer, the ACLO called out on the afternoon before the Redfern violence escalated was "hopeless, intoxicated and had no driver's licence."
NSW Police
NSW police drug amnesty under review
A drug amnesty for the New South Wales police force is under review, Police Commissioner Ken Moroney has said.
Police to uphold law not decide mental health
A diagnosis of mental illness could be made over the phone instead of in person, and involuntary psychiatric patients could lose the right to have their case reviewed by a magistrate, under proposed changes to NSW mental health laws.
Policeman draws blank on fake raids
A suspended Sydney policeman has told an inquiry that he has "little recollection" of the details of fake police raids he set up.
Officer planned to kidnap criminals
A senior Sydney police officer who has admitted taking money for tipping off a child porn suspect had also been planning to kidnap criminals and extort money from them, the Police Integrity Commission heard yesterday.
Partners in crime - history!
Roger Rogerson, the old hero, who never faced a result in the Lanfranchy, or Huckstepp murders, was let off in my opinion when the New South Wales Government rolled the legal system (deciding what evidence to give the police prosecutor) to have the jury believe the illusion they (the Government wanted to create).Similarly, Peter Ryan facing the Police Integrity Commission for questions about his involvement in the demise of the dysfunctional reform unit. Chess in the court (rolling the legal system).
Bulldogs simply not the best!
Clive Small, NSW Inspector Gadget
NSW Police has revived controversial plans for a specialist discriminative squad to tackle the wave of violent crime that has plagued Sydney's south-west for more than a decade.
Milat Cuff-Linked to nurses missing since 1980
Why did it take them so long to get around to dealing with the 23-year-old case? Did they find a new way to solve crime? Or and easier way to set someone up for unsolved crime?
2,500, crooked detectives? Or a corrupt Government?
The Wood Royal Commission into police corruption. Where did the police learn their trade skills? Led by example perhaps?
Lord Denning
Interesting how a member of the Police Board Mr. Tim Priest would hold grave fears for his safety from dangerouse senior police but fails to name them or have them sacked. Rather Priest resigns as if he had no powers. Could that mean what he was saying is that the Governments are also corrupt?
Black Nexus
The Separation of Powers Doctrine is nowcontaminated witharangeofcolours, now leaving us with a black shirt on a once blue bridge that crossed that thin blue line. The 'Amery and Woodham show'.
Australia's Political Underworld...And their enforcers
The promotion of law and order means money to big business. Profits from insurance, security fixtures, patrol services and the like can only continue to grow if the perceived threat of uncontrollable crime wave escalates. In the past few months there have been many examples of the true nature of our blood thirsty politicians and their sinister attempts to spoon-feed a not so gullible public with their repetitious rhetoric.
Western Australian Police
Micklebergs sue senior police officer for defamation
The Mickelberg brothers are suing a senior policeman over comments he made after their convictions for the Perth Mint swindle were quashed.
Mickelbergs win 20-year fight to clear their names
A legal battle spanning more than two decades ended today when two brothers accused of stealing more than $650,000 in gold bullion from the Perth Mint had their convictions quashed.
Fremantle police at centre of missing cannabis claims
One sunny day I was riding my bike, and smokin' a joint, 'cause that's what I like. A police man stopped me and began to stare and he said "hey sonny, whatcha smokin' there?"
Victorian Police
Gangland target? Or police decoy? Refuses protection
Victorian Assistant Commissioner of Crime Simon Overland says the man who was the target of an alleged planned gangland killing has refused police protection.
Vic police chief moves to sack officers
The Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police, Christine Nixon, has moved to dismiss two police officers as part of a crackdown on corruption and says up to 20 more dismissals could follow.
Vic prosecutors to drop corruption case
The Office of Public Prosecutions in Victoria will drop drug-related charges against a suspended police officer tomorrow after an informer due to testify in the case was murdered last month.
Vic flop cop warns there's more corruption
Victorian Police Chief Commissioner, Christine Nixon, says Victorians should brace themselves for more evidence of police corruption.
Vic police corruption report tabled in Parliament
The Victorian Ombudsman's report on the Ceja Taskforce and drug related corruption in Victoria police has been tabled in State Parliament.
When the Ombudsman investigates police in most States and Territories of Australia they set about asking the police to investigate themselves to see if there is any validity to a complaint.
Victorian Ombudsman's power boosted
The Victorian Government has reacted strongly to continuing allegations of police corruption, with the Premier announcing a big boost to the State Ombudsman's power and resources.
Police silent on witness protection breach claim
Victorian police have been forced to defended the Witness Protection Program again, after an alleged incident involving a police informer.
Former Vic drug squad head working for NSW
It has been revealed that the former head of the disgraced Victorian drug squad is now a senior investigator at the New South Wales Police Integrity Commission (PIC).
Penalty given to police officer in corruption case under fire
The Victorian Opposition has criticised the penalty handed down to a Victorian police officer who tried to find the home address of an officer investigating corruption.
Bracks crime team 'not up to job'
Steve Bracks was "fiddling while Melbourne burns", a respected senior crimefighter said yesterday, as the state Ombudsman was attacked for being ill-equipped to tackle entrenched police corruption.
Vic corruption fighter tells of intimidation
A senior Victorian police corruption investigator says fellow officers have intimidated and threatened him.
Vic police corruption 'worst ever', former judge says
A former Federal Court judge last night described corruption in the Victoria police force as the worst ever.
Bullet threat won't stop corruption probe, police say
The Victorian police force says threats against internal investigators will not stop it from weeding out corrupt police and bringing them to justice.
Police corruption linked to underworld slayings
The chairman of Victoria's Ceja police internal corruption task force has admitted there is a link between police corruption and Melbourne's gangland killings.
Queensland police
Man framed for Stuttle murder to appeal
Bundaberg's Burnett River traffic bridge was the only witness to this crime?
Douglas Previte set-up for Stuttle murder
Australia: A 32-year-old man has been jailed for life for murdering British backpacker Caroline Stuttle in Bundaberg in south-east Queensland on alleged evidence possibly trumped up while he was in prison?
NT Police
Tourist dollar drives set-up for crime
The man alleged to have murdered English tourist Peter Falconio has been acquitted of rape and abduction charges in the South Australian District Court. Bradley John Murdoch, 45, was charged with two counts of rape, two counts of false imprisonment and two counts of indecent assault after an alleged incident in South Australia's Riverland in August last year.
Taken "A Dingo Took My Baby!"
They were the words that Lindy Chamberlain had screamed out into the blackness of the cold night in a camping ground close to Ayers Rock, Central Australia, on the night of August 17, when she discovered that her nearly ten-week-old baby, Azaria had been taken by a dingo.
Day set aside for Falconio forensic evidence
More than a day has been set aside in the case of the man accused of murdering British backpacker Peter Falconio to hear evidence from a Northern Territory forensic scientist. Yesterday the Darwin Magistrates Court heard from mechanics and friends of the defendant Bradley John Murdoch.
Ch/9 News? Or Ch/9's Department of Public Prosecutions?
Channel Nine is thinking of taking over from the Department of Public Prosecutions in the Falconio case.
Supreme Court rejects Nine appeal
CHANNEL Nine lost a Supreme Court appeal today to have a suppression order on details of the case of missing backpacker Peter Falconio lifted. The Full Bench of the NT Supreme Court today ruled Magistrate Alasdair McGregor had the power to make the order banning from publication some details of the case.
South Australian Police
Bradley Murdoch committal, lawyer calls for fair hearing
The lawyer of the man accused of murdering British backpacker Peter Falconio has spoken to the media in Darwin.
Govt, police 'let off the hook' Haneef inquiry
16 years ago