John Scullion from the Prison Officers Association says, "Jail terms of prisoners convicted of assaulting guards are rarely extended, as most are given concurrent sentences". In an article in the ABC news Wed, 17 April 02 "It may require special legislation, so an approach is being made to Attorney-General Bob Debus to see if it requires legislation and if so, can they do it?" he said.
The Carr Government went further as saboteurs. Carr rallied Whelan, Costa, Debus and now Richard Amery ex policeman as Minister of Corrective Services to succeed the coat hanger into black. "We do Gods work when God forgets say the police." blue shirts? Or black shirts?
Carr's labor caucus drags Ron Woodham in as Commissioner of Corrective Services a person with a very bad history of corruption i.e.: bashing prisoners on behalf of the government and getting off because why? You guessed it. The Government rolled the legal system.
Woodham couldn't take responsibility for the governments directives. Debus secures Attorney General with a history of discrepancies within his previous portfolio as Prisons Minister to help draft the legislation into the black.
Woodham, Carr's prisons bend over the line man just like Clive Small the police bend over the line man gets the job done corruptly.
The importance of the Separation of Powers Doctrine is just as important between the Police Service and the Department of Corrective Services.
To highlight this fact then perhaps we need to change the colours of their shirts. Black is contaminated Blue is Police what colour would you like to see Prison Officer's dressed in?
When people go missing between the police and the prison services. When there are riots or prisoners and prison officers are being bashed. When deaths in custody rise or when high profile prisoners suddenly die in special circumstances after they are released and have served their time then Satin is in on it doing Gods so called work.
By Gregory Kable 19 April 2002
Same boat
The Premier, Bob Carr, relies on a militia. A gang of bikies and our Police Service, to show all of us he is no murderer. He should be taken to the task along with his partners in crime like Clive Small to account for those people who like my self have been maliciously assaulted and who have complained, without any service and those who cannot speak for themselves who were murdered, like Terry Falconer. Terry murdered in custody.
Good Cop
Why have our democratic institutions broken down? It's not just the criminal justice system. The Anti-Corruption Network webmaster@anti-corruption-network.org exposes the same issues. A group of white-collar workers who say they have suffered as follows:
Clive Small is Bob Carr's choice for the new Police Commissioner. It could only be the case considering his, Small's special appointment into Parliament House. Small who suffers from the little person syndrome is the ideal bend over boy who gets shuffled through his corrupt actions. Rolling the legal system for him after the fact, just like his predecessor Roger the dodger Rogerson.
I refer to the Daily Telegraph article 22 March 2002 under the heading Priest quits advisory job.
Partners in crime - history!
Roger Rogerson, the old hero, who never faced a result in the Warren Lanfranchi, or Sally-Anne Huckstepp murders, was let off in my opinion when the New South Wales Government rolled the legal system (deciding what evidence to give the police prosecutor) to have the jury believe the illusion they (the Government wanted to create).
Police Chronology 1994-2001
View events in the NSW Police Force since the Wood Royal Commission began in 1994. 1994 May Justice James Wood is appointed Commissioner of the Royal Commission into the NSW Police Service ('WRC').
Chronology - A History of Australian Prisons
[Allegedly:] The events that have shaped NSW prisons - from convict days through royal commissions, to the Supermax of today. [I say allegedly because no one should trust Four Corners [Walls], why? Because they spill out the propaganda of the day for the Government, whether it be wrong or right. A government that lies and has no remorse about it.]