An Upper House inquiry has recommended that an internal police report into the Redfern riot should be released as soon as possible. [?]
A spokeswoman for Police Minister John Watkins says the committee's report is being considered by the state coroner as part of the inquest into the Thomas Hickey's death.
Advice was being sought about the release of the document.
The report has been written by "Strike Force Coburn", [police investigating themselves], which was set up to investigate the police response to the riot.
[When police investigate themselves they did nothing wrong so we wonder what benefit to the community this report would be other than to protect the police again. It certainly won't add or subtract anything the committee should be investigating in relation to the death in custody, which caused the riot. So it is being used as some sort of leverage by a corrupt cop who wouldn't give evidence on oath at the inquest into TJ's death because he might incriminate himself.]
New South Wales Premier Bob Carr has defended the effectiveness of an Upper House inquiry into the Redfern riots in Sydney. He says the Opposition has criticised the inquiry because the findings did not support their prejudices.
The riot erupted after the death of 17-year-old Aborigine Thomas Hickey, who was impaled through the neck on a fence in Redfern in February.
[Allegedly], more than 50 police were injured during the riot.
Time and time again we hear that after police pursued a boy to his death it caused a riot and 50 police were injured, is that so we can feel more sorry for the police? Or the bricks?
Of course these are honest cops ? who can do no wrong ? especially after a riot caused by a death in custody where police claimed they were just innocent bystanders minding their own business. [?]
Opposition Leader John Brogden said yesterday the report's recommendations would not prevent another riot and would do nothing to address social problems in the area.
[Actually we agree! Unless we get to the bottom of police race hate and corruption and the fact that police in this State don't take responsibility for pursuits that kill people especially when authorities continue to covering up for them then this will go on indefinitely.
Things only change when wrongdoing is admitted but if there was no wrong then nothing happened and no one need to be responsible and nothing will change the police culture, no doubt! Accept for the fact that police will do it again. Is that not what the inquiry was about?]
But Mr Carr says the Opposition needs to focus on implementing measures that will help improve the situation?
[Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black? Accept Bob Carr is responsible alongside his minister for police and both of them refuse to acknowledge police corruption.]
Carr: "I think we should set aside the political argument here and simply get on with the hard job of building a community, of dealing with the problems of broken families," he said.
[But surely he means dealing with the problem of dead families because that is the problem. When you pursue a person to their death and they die then the problem the families face is how come they raised up this lad only to be pursued to his death for no good reason other than race hate.]
Carr: "Seeing these strategic goals advanced and backing the police in the day-to-day task of maintaining order and chasing the drug dealers."
THE DOG: This is why the police culture will not change in NSW because at all material times there is no admission of wrongdoing by police, or the Carr government who investigate themselves. They are simply an infallible and protected class that can do no wrong - but that goes against the grain of humanity. When mistakes are made there has to be admissions for things to be corrected.
Just like our public hospitals and prisons no one is prepared to make admissions so things will change until many people die because the Carr Government is the problem.
In addition police will always have a legitimate reason for being at any location at anytime whether they are acting corruptly or not. Therefore it is not an easy thing to do to prove police corruption and the authorities know it.
So when police are caught out and the government don't do anything about it - because it seems easier to cover it up then police culture won't change and they'll do it again no doubt.
In order to challenge inappropriate behaviour towards others - the very same respect police seek to challenge in others - then they need to do it by setting an example for the whole community.
At the moment police get "bricks" because the community don't get any respect either and instead the cop is promoted for inappropriate behaviour and the same corrupt cop has more power to act corruptly.
The question is why do we need cops like this? Just ask Bob Carr.
By Starsky and Hutch 3 August 04
The Young Man From Kamilaroi
On Monday, 5 July 2004, the Hickey Family and their supporters will come together in the Glebe Coroners Court with the Redfern Police, the same police, specifically unknown at this time, who pursued the Young Man to his death by impalement.
Police stalkers set to escape
The real issue was posted it read "Wanted child murderers"!
Redfern drug dealers: Who is Mr Big?
Police officer blames Redfern riot on heroin instead of a police pursuit? And who's the Koori junkie living on the hill with all the cash?
Payback over Redfern riot after death in custody
A 37 year-old woman will appear in court today charged over her alleged involvement in a riot in Redfern on Sunday night.
Riot in Redfern over death in custody
The reported claim that 50 police were injured during rioting in Redfern over a death in custody is nothing more than a counter claim required to balance the argument that Thomas Hickey wasn't chased to his death by police.
Redfern police 'need to be made accountable'
POLICE have no right to demand increased support to patrol Redfern in the wake of one of the worst death in custody cover-ups by police in Australian history.
"If I Could Turn Back Time" Daily Terror, CH/7
THE real cause of last month's violent Redfern riots was the death of teenager Thomas "TJ" Hickey but perhaps only one element of the racism, harassment and bullying by the New South Wales police force and in this case Redfern police at the Block.
Was Thomas Hickey payback?
Yesterday it was alleged police faced a potentially deadly confrontation with locals of a redfern housing block last week when a gun was grabbed from an officer's holster and held to his stomach.
Gather at the Block at 9am March to Phillip Street Redfern, "Turanga Block" vigial at site of "TJ's" death. March to Redfern Police Station to leave list of demands regarding the enquiries into his death.
Govt, police 'let off the hook' Haneef inquiry
16 years ago