Gather at the Block at 9am March to Phillip Street Redfern, "Turanga Block" vigial at site of "TJ's" death. March to Redfern Police Station to leave list of demands regarding the enquiries into his death.
March back to the Block for wake and speakers. Bring flowers, cards and balloons etc to celebrate "TJ's" life and condemn those responsible for his death.
From Aboriginal Community in relation to the enquires into the death of TJ Hickey
Demand the officers involved in the incident resulting in the death of TJ Hickey be stood down from active duty pending the outcome of all enquires, given that witnesses have now come forward to say that TJ was being chased by Redfern Police at the time of the incident;
Demand that an independent forensic examination of the site of the incident be undertaken, and that all four vehicles involved in the police search for bag snatcher also be examined forensically by independent experts;
Demand to know why Redfern Police did not follow normal procedure in relation to impaling victims with serious injuries, for example: why did officers move TJ from fence without calling the appropriate Emergency Rescue Services or Ambulance to allow for the fence to be removed from TJ under medical supervision;
Demand to know why police officers involved made their first radio call for back-up, rather than to the Emergency Rescue Services or Ambulance;
Demand all log book, radio transcripts and staffing of the four vehicles involved in the incident be made available to all enquires regarding the death of TJ so that the whereabouts of each vehicle can be corroborated by an independent witnesses;
Demand the engagement of an independent Coroner to monitor and assist the State Coroner during its Coronial enquiry;
Demand the Ambulance reports of incident be made available to all enquires;
Demand that all enquires have an independent Aboriginal observer/participant;
Demand that the State of NSW pay for the legal representatives of the Hickey family in all enquires;
Demand that the evidence collected for all the enquires, whether in draft or progress reports be made available to legal representatives of the Hickey family;
Demand an independent forensic examination of TJ's bike;
Demand the examination by the enquires of all Redfern Police vehicles log books and radio transcripts at the time of the incident;
Demand the same amount of funds and resources available to the police to investigate the riot of Sunday 15/02/2004 be made available to all enquires investigating police involvement incident that led to the death of TJ Hickey on Saturday 14/02/2004;
Demand to know who the Redfern Police Area Commander informed, liased with and took instructions from in relation to the build up of police in Lawson Street on Sunday afternoon 15/02/2004;
Demand to know at what time Sunday 15/02/2004 did Refern Police decide to hold a press conference to deny reports that TJ was being chased by police at the time of the incident;
Demand that all enquires examine the history of prior incidents involving police chases resulting in serious injuries to Aboriginal children;
Demand a Royal Commission into the death of TJ Hickey.
By Just Us 22 February 04
Payback over Redfern riot after death in custody
A 37 year-old woman will appear in court today charged over her alleged involvement in a riot in Redfern on Sunday night. The woman from Hurstville was arrested yesterday and has been charged with riot, throwing a missile, affray and violent disorder. She was refused bail and will appear in Redfern Local Court later today.
Was Thomas Hickey payback?
Yesterday it was alleged police faced a potentially deadly confrontation with locals of a redfern housing block last week when a gun was grabbed from an officer's holster and held to his stomach.
Daily Telegraph alleged opposition: Bulldozer
NSW Opposition leader John Brogden has said we just need a bulldozer and that'll fix the problem after Sunday's death in custody and subsequent riot at Redfern.
Riot in Redfern over death in custody
The reported claim that 50 police were injured during rioting in Redfern over a death in custody is nothing more than a counter claim required to balance the argument that Thomas Hickey wasn't chased to his death by police.
Fatal accident prompts police pursuit probe
A fatal car accident in New South Wales has prompted a review of the procedures police use during high-speed pursuits. Police say a man and a young girl were killed when a speeding car crashed head-on into another car at McGrath's Hill in Sydney's north-west.
The Australian Institute of Criminology has released the National Deaths in Custody Program annual report for 2002 Between January and December 2002, there was a total of 69 deaths in custody in Australia. There were 50 deaths in prison custody and 19 deaths in police custody and custody-related police operations.
Riot in Redfern over death in custody
The reported claim that 50 police were injured during rioting in Redfern over a death in custody is nothing more than a counter claim required to balance the argument that Thomas Hickey wasn't chased to his death by police.
Fatal accident prompts police pursuit probe
A fatal car accident in New South Wales has prompted a review of the procedures police use during high-speed pursuits. Police say a man and a young girl were killed when a speeding car crashed head-on into another car at McGrath's Hill in Sydney's north-west.
The Australian Institute of Criminology has released the National Deaths in Custody Program annual report for 2002 Between January and December 2002, there was a total of 69 deaths in custody in Australia. There were 50 deaths in prison custody and 19 deaths in police custody and custody-related police operations.