The woman from Hurstville was arrested yesterday and has been charged with riot, throwing a missile, affray and violent disorder.
She was refused bail and will appear in Redfern Local Court later today.
Meanwhile Sydney police will not confirm whether they have arrested the girlfriend of the Aboriginal teenager whose death sparked the riot.
A newspaper is claiming the girl was arrested by police early yesterday morning after abusing a group of officers and accusing them of murdering her boyfriend.
The incident is believed to have occurred after a community concert and barbecue in Eveleigh Street in memory of Thomas Hickey.
Police say a 15-year-old teenager has been charged with resisting police in Redfern and possessing a small amount of cannabis, but they will not confirm her identity.
She has been released and is due to appear in Bidura Children's court next month.
By Starsky and Hutch 20 February 04
Was Thomas Hickey payback?
Yesterday it was alleged police faced a potentially deadly confrontation with locals of a redfern housing block last week when a gun was grabbed from an officer's holster and held to his stomach.
Daily Telegraph alleged opposition: Bulldozer
NSW Opposition leader John Brogden has said we just need a bulldozer and that'll fix the problem after Sunday's death in custody and subsequent riot at Redfern.
Riot in Redfern over death in custody
The reported claim that 50 police were injured during rioting in Redfern over a death in custody is nothing more than a counter claim required to balance the argument that Thomas Hickey wasn't chased to his death by police.
Fatal accident prompts police pursuit probe
A fatal car accident in New South Wales has prompted a review of the procedures police use during high-speed pursuits. Police say a man and a young girl were killed when a speeding car crashed head-on into another car at McGrath's Hill in Sydney's north-west.
The Australian Institute of Criminology has released the National Deaths in Custody Program annual report for 2002 Between January and December 2002, there was a total of 69 deaths in custody in Australia. There were 50 deaths in prison custody and 19 deaths in police custody and custody-related police operations.
Riot in Redfern over death in custody
The reported claim that 50 police were injured during rioting in Redfern over a death in custody is nothing more than a counter claim required to balance the argument that Thomas Hickey wasn't chased to his death by police.
Fatal accident prompts police pursuit probe
A fatal car accident in New South Wales has prompted a review of the procedures police use during high-speed pursuits. Police say a man and a young girl were killed when a speeding car crashed head-on into another car at McGrath's Hill in Sydney's north-west.
The Australian Institute of Criminology has released the National Deaths in Custody Program annual report for 2002 Between January and December 2002, there was a total of 69 deaths in custody in Australia. There were 50 deaths in prison custody and 19 deaths in police custody and custody-related police operations.