A Western Australian court has ordered the parents of two teenagers to pay compensation to the victims of their children's crimes.
The ruling sets a legal precedent in Western Australia.
The parents have been ordered to pay a total of $60,000 to the owners of two properties in Kalgoorlie-Boulder.
Their teenage sons set fire to the houses in June last year, causing about $400,000 in damage. One of the homes had to be demolished.
An application for compensation was initially rejected but after an appeal to the full court, the president of the Children's Court today ruled that the parents should pay a total of $60,000 to the owners and residents.
In his decision, Judge Denis Reynolds said the parents had generally been responsible in the years around the time of the arson attacks.
But he said they had failed to adequately supervise their children, who were using amphetamines and cannabis and drinking alcohol.
Judge Reynolds said the compensation order was not meant as further punishment.
He said he had taken into consideration the future employment prospects of the families, who the court had been told, would have trouble paying compensation.
The parents have been ordered to pay the money in 12 instalments.
One of the house fire victims, Maria Davies, says she lost a number of treasured possessions in the blaze and is pleased the court has taken a stance.
Ms Davies says today's decision has an important message for parents.
"You've got to be responsible for them," she said. "Stop pushing the blame onto everybody else and the responsibility of everybody else.
"At the end of the day, these are your children and they are your responsibility whether you like it or whether you don't."
By Just Us 9 July 04
THE PROPHET: At the end of the day, this family will be broken down further than it is now to be able to pay your compensation. And... Whether you like it or whether you don't "God" on the bench, the community will have to pick up all of the pieces and if it causes loss of life, you religious right wing fascists will make the community pay for your stupidity and lack of foresight...
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