In the last few years many protest groups have taken a more comical approach to protests, direct action, and civil disobedience. Some groups even adopt clown costumes and clownish behaviour organisations inject clowning and clownish street theater into protests situations to heighten the effectiveness of their group and other groups, the most recent example being during the G8 protests in Scotland in July of 2005.
Assistant commissioner Terry Collins said the conference, which will gather some 300 captains of industry from international business, would bring with it "significant security implications."
He said: "It would be irresponsible if we did not match these risks with an appropriate level of response.
"Police for this event will not just come from local area commands but from support areas as well."
The conference will be held from August 30 to September 1 at Sydney's iconic harbourside Sydney Opera House.
Among those attending will be Australian War Criminal john hoWARd and former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani.
New South Wales state police said they had been negotiating with protest organisers for more than two weeks about the demonstration planned for when the conference opens next Tuesday.
It is understood from reliable sources, however, that police led protest organisers up the garden path by suggesting that there would be no problems with protesting at the Opera House, only for the police to change their minds at the last minute, saying such a protest would be out of the question.
But protestors will not be allowed onto the Sydney Opera House forecourt, but will be allowed to protest in a lawful manner outside that area, police said.
G8 2005
The UK has the Presidency of the G8 for 2005 - news and analysis relating to responses to the G8 and the meetings in London, Derbyshire, Sheffield and across the UK in the run up to the summit in July at Gleneagles in Scotland.
Protests planned for Forbes conference
On August 30, at a cocktail party in the Sydney Opera House, Prime Minister John Howard will open the fifth Forbes Global CEO Conference — a corporate scumbag festival of the highest proportions.
Protests to greet US neo-cons
We will be treated to the edifying spectacle of an iconic public building given over to corporate conferencing. Steve Forbes, the quintessential boy-born-with-a-silver-spoon, signatory of the infamous “Project for a New American Century”, will regale us with his far-right Republican neo-conservativism. NSW Premier Morris Iemma and John Howard will stroke his ego on our behalf, extending our hand of welcome to the esteemed gathering.
The Secret Rulers of the World - New Link
- The Secret Rulers of the World - Present/Past
- 2. The Secret Rulers of the World - Only the Start
- 3. Secret Rulers of the World - Profiting from 9/11
- 4. Secret Rulers of the World - Hidden Empire
- 5. The Secret Rulers of the World - Vatican Hoarding
- 6. The Secret Rulers of the World - Amen Pharaohs
- 7. Secret Rulers of the World - Forbidden Link
- 8. Secret Rulers of the World - Oceans of Blood
- 9. The Secret Rulers of the World - The Queen
- 10. The Secret Rulers of the World - King of Kings
- 11. The Secret Rulers of the World - The Empire
- 12.The Secret Rulers of the World - The Cult of Amen
- 13. The Secret Rulers of the World - Committee of 300
- 14. The Secret Rulers of the World - Rothschild
- 15. The Secret Rulers of the World - New World Order
- 16. The Secret Rulers of the World - Freemasonry
- 17. The Secret Rulers of the World - Money Control
- 18.Secret Rulers of the World - Credit Monopoly
- 19. The Secret Rulers of the World - Bush Nazis
- 20. The Secret Rulers of the World - Palestine Israel
- 21. The Secret Rulers of the World - The Butchers
- 22. Secret Rulers of the World - The Asses of Evil
- 23. The Secret Rulers of the World - Drug Running
- 24. The Secret Rulers of the World - War on Terror
- 25. The Secret Rulers of the World - Iraqi Dates
- 26. The Secret Rulers of the World - The AntiChrist
- 27. The Secret Rulers of the World - Enslavement
- 28. The Secret Rulers of the World - Tax Enslavement
- 29. The Secret Rulers of the World - The Power
- The Fabian Society, the Freemasonry and the Beehive
- The Occult Catholic & Islamic Connection pt.1/11
- The Fabian Society: A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
- The Round Table: World Overview & Control
- Tavistock Institute: Global Mind Control
- Zeitgeist, The Movie - Remastered
THOUSANDS of protesters to take over Circular Quay
Trade unionists, anti-globalisation activists, peace campaigners, environmentalists and religious groups will join forces as the 30A Network on the opening day of the conference, August 30, to make their point on everything from industrial relations reform to global warming and the continuing commitment of troops to Iraq and Afghanistan.
Illegal and Degrading War
Teachers accused of anti-US bias
AUSTRALIA: The fascist federal treasurer has drawn a rebuke from teachers for warning them against spreading anti-Americanism in schools and suggesting it could mutate into anti-Westernism and terrorist attacks against Australia.
Social Services
Australian Greens Senator Responds To: Social Services Cuts
I am writing to you because I am concerned about people living in poverty in Australia. In Parliament, legislation will be introduced to put many people with disabilities and single parents on unemployment payments. If this law goes ahead unchanged, more people will live on less money after July 2006.
Corporate Welfare
Corporate welfare or how to steal social services?
Ever wondered why there are so many homeless, why we need a 10 pc GST, lack of services for mental disability, still paying off the Olympics, poor public transport planning etc etc etc?
Work for the dole is legal slavery
Work for the dole was originally sold to us by Howard as a warm and fuzzy light work project. We would be working for nothing but we would be enjoying giving back something to the community, so it was reckoned.
Military Spending
Howard: We as a nation have got to invest heavily in defence?
Fascist Prime Minister John HoWARd has indicated the Government will make major changes to work place laws, cut disability support forcing the disabled to work and increase his defence commitment.
Hill primed for war!
Australian Caretaker Defence Minister Robert Hill has announced a multi-million dollar upgrade of the Pearce Air Force base in Western Australia. Hill says $87 million would be spent on a major upgrade of the base, which is Australia's main flying training facility.
Troop deployment not a deepening of effort: Hill
Deploying an extra 30 troops to Iraq was not a deepening of Australia's involvement because they were being sent to protect those already there, Defence Minister Robert Hill said yesterday.
Auditor Generals damning defence report
The Defence Department computer system upgrade has cost Australia tens of millions of dollars in a gigantic bungle, according to the Federal Opposition. The Commonwealth auditor-general has issued a damning report into the project.
Climate Change
Pressure remains on Australia as Kyoto takes effect
The Kyoto Protocol to reduce greenhouse gas emissions will today come into force after a decade of deliberations.
HoWARd: Winner who failed to lead by example but still won?
CHRISTMAS and the lead-up have their familiar rituals. On Christmas Day there is the present giving, church going and massive lunch, followed by the big recovery sleep.
Kyoto Protocol start date set
The Kyoto Protocol to combat global warming will take effect from February 16 after Russia formally handed over its notice of ratification overnight.