Peter Breen MLC Reform the Australian Legal System Party elected to the NSW Legislative Council.
Peter Breen is being attacked by ICAC. There will be a public hearing for a week in the ICAC hearing room level 21, 133 Castlereagh St, beginning on Monday July 5 at 10am.
He has been stalwart in defence of human rights, prisoners' entitlement to be properly treated and not be degraded or locked away indefinitely. He moved the motion against the abolition of the Inspector General of Corrective Services position in Parliament.
He is accused of having misused parliamentary resources and allowances to claim the Sydney Allowance, to write books, to help prisoners and a charity, and to undertake electioneering work.
[Helping prisoners according to Bob Carr the NSW Premier is a crime?]
The judge appointed to hear the case stood down after 3 days of private hearings.
At the same time, the ICAC Assistant Commissioner resigned, as did the Chief Investigator and the Executive Director. ICAC is in a mess and under investigation itself.
Corruption watchdog to face judicial review
The Independent Commission Against Corruption is to be overhauled and the legislation controlling it examined by a judicial inquiry amid growing concern about its low conviction rates, outdated legal charter and sometimes "petty" inquiry targets.
Peter Breen's efforts to bring respect for human rights have earned him deserved acclaim. It has also earned him significant enemies.
We will be present at the hearing on Monday July 5 at 10am to ensure that the attack isn't made silently without witnesses. If you can, please join us.
Justice Action 65 Bellevue St, Glebe, NSW 2037, Australia P.O. Box 386, Broadway, NSW 2007, Australia voice: 612-9660 9111 fax: 612-9660 9100
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By Brett Collins Justice Action 23 June 04
The Daily Terror attack Mr Breen again!
This time they are alleging UPPER House MP Peter Breen used his $102,000 public salary to fight for yet another cause, the newspaper doesn't agree with.
Peter Breen MP attacked by the Terror
LILLIAN SALEH and STAVRO SOFIOS both reporters for the Daily Terror have written an article allegedly for Bob Carr in today's Daily Terror.
The Breen Machine - Reform The Legal System Party
For the past four years, Reform the Legal System has promoted human rights in the new South Wales Parliament. Our most significant achievement is the legislation, passed late last year, to require all bills introduced into the Parliament to be checked for breaches of human rights. This legislation arose out of the Bill of Rights inquiry which we instigated. Over the next four years we will continue to promote debate in the Parliament on human rights, particularly the rights of prisoners, who are the victims of the Liberal and Labor law and order auction.
You have choses Bob The Barbarian!
New laws to make it difficult for people charged with terrorism offences to get bail have been whisked through the New South Wales Parliament after only being introduced earlier today.
The words out! The government is the problem...
The Federal Government says it wants to establish an independent national anti-corruption body to improve accountability in organisations like the Australian Federal Police and the Australian Crime Commission, because they're corrupt.
I was bashed by colleagues: warden
A prison officer doing his rounds at Parklea jail ended up in the emergency ward claiming he had been beaten unconscious by four colleagues.
The community questions ICAC's slagging and fobbing you off?
The ICAC, Commissions, Ombudsman, Police Integrity Commission (PIC), and numerous Tribunals etc, are all arms of government set up as an insurance police for the government's 3 or 4 year election terms. In short they'll be out of office by the time you may be lucky enough to have your matter heard.
Govt, police 'let off the hook' Haneef inquiry
16 years ago