The Queensland Crime and Misconduct Commission is investigating the case, but Mr Ettridge has given his submission to that inquiry to the ACC, saying he does not trust the Queensland body.
Mr Ettridge says his submission, which is several hundred pages, contains new allegations against Queensland Premier Peter Beattie and the Federal Health Minister Tony Abbott.
"I'm going to ask the Australian Crime Commission to conduct an independent inquiry into this matter because it must be investigated independently and impartially, and I don't believe that will happen in Queensland," he said.
By Corrupt Government 4 Dec 03
Peter Beattie nominated as Australian of the year: Howard
From left to right, war criminal, John Howard, Pauline Hanson Hunter, QLD Premier Peter Beattie, Crocodile Hunter, Steve Erwin, and framed backpacker murderer, Bradley John Murdoch.
Should Pauline Hanson have gone to gaol in the first place?: Carmen Lawrence My answer was generic rather than specific to her case - that I could not see the benefit of jailing people for non-violent crimes; that in such cases we would all be better served if the focus was on reparation rather than retribution, rehabilitation rather than revenge."
Hanson: I no longer support mandatory sentencing
One Nation Party founder Pauline Hanson has revealed she contemplated suicide while serving an 11-week jail term in Brisbane. Miss Hanson told about her time in jail and her future plans.