The Greens are planning protests against, war criminal, George W Bush's address to Parliament and will wear photos on their lapels of the two Australian men imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay, David Hicks and Mamdouh Habib.
They have invited Mamdouh Habib's son and wife, Maha, to sit in the public gallery to watch the US President address Parliament.
"I just hope that Mr John Howard, I know he has got kids, knows what happened to my husband could happen to his son travelling overseas," she said.
The Prime Minister says guests, who visit the Parliament, have an obligation to behave properly.
"People are entitled to invite guests, in accordance with the rules that apply to these things, and I'm not going to, in my position, say who a Member of Parliament can invite as a guest," he said.
Australian subservience

Mr Wilkie says the current relationship ties Australia too closely to American strategic interests. He says it also risks Australia's broader interests by encouraging the US to presuppose Australian subservience.
Mr Wilkie told about 300 people at the rally, the Prime Minister, John Howard, does not realise that the Australia-US alliance is best served by honest advice.
"So not exploited by Howard will be the opportunity to act like a real friend and to tell Bush what he really needs to hear that it's time to acknowledge that the Iraq adventure is a political, foreign policy, humanitarian and military disaster," he said.
Mr Wilkie has also urged Australia's politicians not to provide a standing ovation to Mr Bush's Parliamentary address.
He told the protest rally, Mr Bush is one of the most stupid and dangerous presidents in history and Australia's foreign policy is being held hostage by US interests.
By Australian Subservience 20 October 03
Red Cross Criticizes Indefinite Detention in Guantanamo Bay
GUANTANAMO BAY, Cuba, Oct. 9 A senior official of the International Committee of the Red Cross said on Thursday that the holding of more than 600 detainees [prisoners] here was unacceptable because they were being held for open-ended terms without proper legal process. Christophe Girod, the senior Red Cross official in Washington, said on Thursday in an interview at the United States Naval Base here, "One cannot keep these detainees in this pattern, this situation, indefinitely."
Australia: Crean backs war criminals
The Federal Labor leader, Simon Crean, has tried to head off planned protests by some opposition MPs when the US President addresses Parliament next week.
Bush's Vanished Prisoner
He Wonders Whether He Will See the Light of Day Again October 10th, 2003 6:00 PM
Guantanamo Bay treatment: Limbo
Former federal judges, diplomats, military officials and human rights advocates in the United States have urged the Supreme Court to review the cases of detainees [scapegoats for the Coalition of the Killing's resource wars in the Middle East], being held without charge at Guantanamo Bay in the name of terrorism.
Australia: Justice for Hicks & Habib
The public forum Justice for Hicks & Habib was quite a success. Approximately 130 people attended the event, a big number for a Saturday eve!
Pilger said White House knew Saddam was no threat
Australian investigative journalist John Pilger says he has evidence the war against Iraq was based on a lie which could cost George W Bush and Tony Blair their jobs and bring Prime Minister John Howard down with them.
Illegal and degrading war crimes: Society on the New World Order (OWN)! While Australia and the US are very distinctive societies war criminal, Prime Minister John Howard and war criminal, President George Bush share core values.
Civil Liabilities: Howard's diversity? I had a dream?
The war criminal, Prime Minister, John Howard, who only yesterday was claiming he was showing diversity has stepped up pressure on the states to support plans to increase the war criminal, Federal Attorney-General's powers to ban terrorist organisations, [scapegoats and patsies for the Coalition of the Killing's illegal and degrading resource wars in the Middle East.]
Terry Hicks Odyssey for Justice for his Imprisoned Son
Terry Hicks, David Hicks father, one of two Australian [scapegoats] held imprisoned [and tortured] at Guantanamo Bay, arrives tomorrow Saturday 20 September in Sydney. He will hold a Press Conference at 2pm at Breakout, 65 Bellevue St. Glebe.
Evidence that Howard was complicit in CIA, false flag, call to arms, Bali bombings War criminal John Howard was complicit in the call to arms - false flag operation - Bali bombings - instigated by the CIA - and the Coalition of the Killing - to bolster support - and quell dissent for their illegal and degrading resource wars in the Middle East.
State terror units caused the terror!
The level of suspicion and surveillance created by the [US false flag operation and call to arms] Bali bombings, created by [ the Coalition of the Killing and Australian's complicity to go to war on Iraq] means that all Australian's suffer the loss of their human rights, civil rights and their democratic rights, as well as those Australian's who lost their life in Bali.
Australia backs CIA Reichstag, Downer's propaganda
The Foreign Affairs Minister says the latest message from Osama bin Laden is worrying. [Just plain rubbish!]
Bin Laden calls? CIA blind man's bluff!
A [US propaganda, fear-mongering] taped message purportedly from Osama bin Laden has warned Arab nations against supporting a war against Iraq but has branded Saddam Hussein an infidel.