Wednesday, September 3, 2003

Adelaide's Glenside psychiatric hospital: Escape from hell?

A third person has escaped from the Adelaide's Glenside psychiatric hospital as health authorities prepare to begin a second review of security.

Police said a 22-year-old man fled the facility on Monday afternoon and was possibly heading for Port Augusta.

He was not serving a sentence for a criminal offence but was detained under the Mental Health Act.

However police warned that the man should not be approached.

His escape was the third in two weeks.

Authorities revealed another man held in a secure ward had escaped last Friday but was found about 90 minutes later.

On August 20, convicted killer Rene Wilson-Bosman escaped from Glenside by walking out of an open ward.

Wilson-Bosman, found guilty of the manslaughter and rape of an Adelaide grandmother in 1999, surrendered to police in Melbourne last Tuesday and was extradited back to South Australia.

SA Mental Health director Dr Jonathon Phillips said a review would be held into Friday's escape.

He also revealed that a review into the escape of Wilson-Bosman had revealed shortcomings in the system.

"There are systemic problems and you have to work immediately to rectify, to fix, those systemic problems," Dr Phillips said.

The review made eight recommendations, including suggesting risk assessments be performed following a change in a patient's behaviour and that nurses document patient activity every 24 hours.

Opposition health spokesman Dean Brown said the government must reconsider the use of Glenside to detain serious offenders.

"These incidents appear to be going from back to worse," Mr Brown said.

"Once again the lack of resources appears to be a major contributory factor."

By Valid Reason 3 September 03

THE EGG: Unfortunately the "lack of resources" probably means "lack of security guards & razor wire" in addressing "systemic problems" will they look at why someone would have a valid reason to get the hell out of there?