Young people and older people think Australia is undemocratic and unfair. Young people cite their teachers as having the greatest influence on their political thinking, according to a provocative new national survey funded by the Government.
Older people cite "injustice" amongst other things as a "bent legal system" favouring hi profiled superstars, corporations and politicians.
Some examples:
- Bulldogs alleged rapists not named?
- Football player bashed police in Maroubra and walks from the local court?
- TJ followed but not pursued to his death?
- Woman let off after running someone down in her car while using a mobile phone on the north shore but man living in the western suburbs sent to jail for two years for running into woman on a push bike?
- Bob Carr: At risk children left behind in NSW?
- Bob Carr in contempt of the ICAC?
- NSW prison visitors banned from using the toilet unless they terminate their visit?
- The Terrorist Act locking up innocent people?
- Prisoner's right to vote attacked again?
- Howard's 120 Million election advertising blitz? And many more.....
Fewer than 55 per cent of young people surveyed agreed or strongly agreed that "Australia is a democratic country".
And only 52 per cent said they had been taught about citizenship at school.
At one Sydney school, Year 10 students did not know what democracy meant and some students said that Australia was not a republic so it could not be a democracy.
And many participants in focus groups said they had gained their understanding of the rights of citizenship from American television.
The National Youth Affairs Research Scheme report was carried out by a private consulting firm for the Government between 2002 and December of 2003 to record the perceptions of about 800 youths aged 12 to 15 of citizenship and democracy.
Teachers were rated the most trustworthy source of political information, with 75 per cent, followed by family at 73 per cent.
The media was trusted by 36 per cent and politicians were the least trustworthy sources of political information at 34 per cent.
Patricia Karvelas: "A spokesman for conservative think-tank the Institute of Public Affairs, Alan Moran, said the survey results were alarming.
"It probably reflects more adversely on Australia's education system than on the reality of the Australian political system," he said.
He said it could be because teachers had the most influence on young people's political opinions that so many young people thought Australia undemocratic.
Just Us: But what a lot of rubbish how many brain cells has this conservative think-tank got? "Alarming" yes but not for the reasons stated by the "conservative think-tank".
It probably reflects more adversely on Australia's dictator, [war criminal], John Howard because that's the reality of the 'Australian political system' at the moment.
Australian Education Union president Pat Byrne said the fact that so many young people thought Australia undemocratic was probably because they had experienced instances of injustice.
"it could be that students' experiences within their own lives is teaching show them that democratic processes are not always used," she said.
Ms Byrne said teachers did not teach that Australia was an undemocratic country.
By Patricia Karvelas and Just Us 20 August 04
SKIPPY: It could be the lies that the Howard government has managed to introduce to the Australian fabric like it's normal. How do you trust someone who lies to you?
Written and authorised by the community.
Prime Minister John Howard says voters will decide whether he has told the truth about the children overboard incident.
Whitewash over Hickey's death
The New South Wales coroner has cleared police of any responsibility for the death of Aboriginal teenager Thomas 'TJ' Hickey.
NSW prison visitors banned from using the toilet
The New South Wales Government has introduced several initiatives to stop contraband getting into prisons they said last Friday. But under the guise of "stricter rules" the department had also introduced banning all visitors including children from using the toilet unless they terminate their visit at any NSW prison after using the toilet.
Governments urged to change race hate laws
The Ethnic Communities Council of Australia is calling on the state and federal governments to amend racial vilification laws in response to a reported race hate campaign at Newcastle University.
Prisoner's right to vote attacked again!
Prisoner's right to vote attacked again! Tell Labor not to support the bill!
US-Australian 'Free Raid Agreement' and Labor's Ploy?
Allegedly speculation is rife in political circles about whether the Senate will follow the lead of the US Congress, and approve a 'free trade deal' [? Free Raid Deal], with the United States?
PM Howard Morally Bankrupt
Prime Minister, [war criminal], John Howard insists the war on Iraq was justified despite his British counterpart, [war criminal], Tony Blair's concession that weapons of mass destruction might never be found.
War on terrorism' could take a generation: Downer?
Foreign Affairs Minister, [war criminal], Alexander Downer has launched the Government's terrorism white paper, [? scapegoat and patsy white paper], saying the "war", [the Coalition of the Killing's resource war's in the Middle East], could take a generation.
Heaven Must Be Missing An Angel?
Well praise the Lord the light is Hell bent here on Peter Costello, treasurer of the Howard Government who now has his own "flock" of onward Christian Soldiers.
PM, Carr attacked as judge pulls plug
In November 2002, as chairman of the International Commission of Jurists, he told a Senate inquiry "it is patently clear" that proposed anti-terrorism legislation "is aimed at Muslims". His submission said the new laws would be "subverting [liberty] more effectively than terrorism could ever do".
He was an undercover agent for the blues
He was my journalist, he was working undercover. The fellow knew all of the moves.... He really had me romping, bare footing stomping. He just kept igniting my fuse....
Mamdouh Habib: Taunted and Tortured!
Four Corners [Walls]: Terrorist - or Taunted by the Australian Defence Force who sacked him as a cleaning contractor? Who is Mamdouh Habib? And why was he harassed by the Australian Federal Police? Then tagged and labelled as a spy? Why was he vilified by the community? When he fled to Pakistan how did he end up being tortured in Egypt? And how did he end up at Guantanamo prison camp reserved for the men America calls "the worst of the worst.
Bad diplomatic policy?
The Howard Government splurges $120 million-plus in a pre-election advertising blitz. Be "alert and alarmed"
Australia's "GITMO" System
Australia's "GITMO" System In June 2002 on the PM program on ABC radio, PHILIP RUDDOCK is quoted as saying: "Well, let me just say, detention centres are not prisons. They are administrative detention.
Failure to condemn prison abuse risks lives: Kenny
The Australian lawyer representing Guantanamo Bay detainee David Hicks has joined calls for the Prime Minister to condemn interrogation techniques being used at the prison camp.
Labor to request Senate inquiry into ATSIC's future
The Federal Opposition has announced it will call for a Senate inquiry into the Government's plan to abolish the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC).
Dictatorship under the Crimes Act?
Attorney General Phillip Ruddock said yesterday under the Crimes Act Izhar Ul Haque committed a crime.
Gang-rape, police, disparity and the law..
The young woman and her friend have told police they met the players in Coffs Harbour on the evening after the Bulldogs played a trial match there and went back to the team's hotel with them.
States to cooperate on school curriculums but social skills don't rate? What is Civics and Citizenship Education? Civics and Citizenship Education focuses on What it means to be a citizen of Australia. NOT WHAT IT MEANS TO RESPECT A CITIZEN OF AUSTRALIA. How our system of government works. HERE ARE THE RULES! How Australian democracy evolved, and How to take part in the public affairs of Australia. NOT HOW TO RELATE AND HOW TO RESOLVE CONFLICT. Civics and Citizenship will be the first teaching program for 2003 developed as part of The Australian's resource program for schools. The program provides teachers and students the opportunity to examine and discuss a variety of issues relating to civics and citizenship, including:
Govt, police 'let off the hook' Haneef inquiry
16 years ago