Hilary Lennon was nearly stabbed to death by a client: she says her decision to quit is not a dramatic public gesture or out of fear of recriminations, but because she feels it is time to move on.
Today Ms Lennon told the CMC of abused children who "self-harm" by cutting themselves or burning themselves with cigarettes.
She also spoke of those who had given up hope.
"Other children as young as 4 or 5 years old try to kill themselves by standing on the road, hanging themselves, overdosing, drinking detergent, or jumping off balconies and bridges."
Meantime, anti-child abuse campaigner Hetty Johnston has accused Queensland's Families Department of being a classic environment where paedophiles could prosper.
Ms Johnston also appeared today at the inquiry.
Ms Johnston, the spokeswoman for anti-child abuse group Bravehearts, says the culture of silence and secrecy within the Families Department, the lack of transparency and deliberate misinformation combined with vulnerable children create an environment where paedophiles will prosper - describing the Families Department as classic paedophile territory.
Ms Johnston says she does not know if there are paedophiles in the department but she would be surprised if there were not.
She has also called for all allegations of child sexual abuse to be investigated by police in the first instance, saying social workers should not be deciding if crimes have been committed.
Ms Johnston also told the commission that schools across Queensland do not actively promote 'White Balloon Day' because there are no resources to follow up any claims of child sexual abuse.
Held annually, White Balloon Day aims to promote awareness of child sexual abuse and Ms Johnston says although many schools support the concept of protecting children against sexual abuse, most do not participate in the day because they know children will come forward and disclose abuse, and there will not be any resources to help the child, leaving the school to try to deal with the problem.
Ms Johnston has described the situation as a horrible indictment on the system.
By Neglect 20 October 03
Australia to tackle child abuse and rescue impoverished children?
The Australian Government will also be prompted to pledge and extra 1 billion of the budget surplus to public housing, 1 billion to health including mental illness, 1 billion to education and 1 billion to Legal Aid funding to the poor leaving him 2.5 billion in surplus.
Partnership to tackle Aboriginal children's health issues
Australian of the Year Professor Fiona Stanley has called for a sense of urgency in tackling the serious health problems facing Aboriginal children.
ATSIC call to smack kids?
The ATSIC commissioner said the high levels of regulation was not unlike the attention focused on Aboriginal families that led to the creation of a Stolen Generation of Aboriginal people. Mr Hill said he did not condone violence and admitted he did not smack his own children, but he stressed he wanted the issue of child discipline debated among Aboriginal people and community leaders.
No-Smacking Day for Children in NSW
Patmalar Ambikapathy the Children's Commissioner, HOBART Tasmania spoke to Gregory Kable a caseworker at Justice Action at the Controlling Crime Conference at Redfern in Sydney yesterday and we both realised how parallel our ideas about crime prevention were.
Judge renews child detainee release call
A Family Court judge, for a second time, has appealed to Immigration Minister, war criminal, Philip Ruddock to address the issue of children in detention.
States to cooperate on school curriculums but social skills don't rate? State and territory education ministers say Federal Education Minister Brendan Nelson's heavy-handed threats to school funding will not assist their ambitious initiative to develop consistent school curriculum’s in key subjects.[?]
School Curriculum needs balance? Life Skills and Academic Skills go hand in hand man Colin you need to be the students friends not their judge. Only when you can invite the students into the decision making process will you get an obligation by them to change their behaviour, because you Colin could lead by example and not by power.
NSW education professor warns further commitment needed
The author of a report on the New South Wales education system has urged the major political parties to do more for education in the election campaign.
Fiona Stanley, the children's crusader
It is all about prevention. As Fiona Stanley sees it, with one in five Australian teenagers experiencing significant mental health problems, there are just not enough treatment services to cope with the demand.
Parents call for feedback on social skills
Parents are calling for the same level of feedback on their children's social development as on their academic progress, according to a national survey.