The Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) report is being released in Melbourne today.
It shows many services are struggling to meet higher insurance, train their staff and volunteers and meet accountability requirements.
ACOSS president Andrew McCallum says there has been a 12 per cent increase in demand for [social services] over the past year.
In addition, he says there has been a 19 per cent jump in the number of people who agencies cannot help.
"The Government has got to take the problem seriously," Mr McCallum said. "They can't just pretend the problem doesn't exist.
"We do have a higher rate of people needing assistance through community service organisations.
"They have to acknowledge that we have a problem, that we are getting a polarised society and the joys of economic growth are not flowing through to everyone.
"Until both parties take it seriously, we will not address the issue. We keep putting band-aids on what is a very serious problem."
Mr McCallum says spiralling costs and pressures have caused the jump in the number of people [social services] agencies are having to turn away.
"We're being told that the economy's never been better and unemployment has never been lower but that's not translating at the bottom end," he said.
"We still know that a lot of people, be it through housing, unemployment, are finding themselves in need at some time over the year.
"That's putting increasing strain on [social services] agencies and also it diverts their resources away from some of the more preventative and more structural change programs that they'd like to run."
By Third World Country 30 Jan 2003
THE RUBBISH: In the bin like a disposable razor? Poor example? This is a country where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
Fiona Stanley, the children's crusader
There has also been the "rise of the individual and the downgrading of children", she says. There is less community support, less social capital. "Government services and non-government organisations are struggling to handle the numbers of children who are in crisis. That is what I will be preaching this year - we have to put some emphasis on preventing these problems in our society."
Fears for poor if Social Services take a social slide?
The director of the NSW Council for Social Service, Alan Kirkland, said it was very difficult to balance the impact of problem gambling against the broader community benefits.
Robin Egan strikes again?
Vicious and cruel attacks on the poor and disadvantaged will leave thousands to die of poverty, homelessness and starvation.
Debt office uses wider net to scoop up $58m
Rules introduced by the State Government last June allow the office to deduct fines from wages or bank accounts, levy charges on land titles, summons people to explain their financial situation and force them to perform community service.
Robin Egan
Two thirds of fines are never collected because they go beyond the means of the defendants and because in lots of cases people do not see that they are responsible. Especially where people know their in the right and no fine ought to have been a penalty.
Social Services small change? Or wast the money on WAR!
Lone parents on [social services] average 12 years of benefits - and are often worse off if they work. But reforming the system is risky and often costly, Bettina Arndt explains.
Tough luck! Kicks the poor to death
Australia is urged to adopt a United States-style welfare system, [?] cut welfare spending [social services spending] and encourage people to help themselves in a book on poverty published today.