This is one of the main findings to emerge from a new study published today by the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research. The study identified a sample of 5,476 juvenile offenders who appeared in the NSW Children's Court for the first time in 1995 and followed them up for a period of eight years.
The researchers found that, within eight years of their first court appearance, juvenile offenders re-appear in court, on average, 3.5 times. Rates of re-appearance in court, however, are much higher for Indigenous offenders and those whose first court appearance occurred when they were relatively young.
Indigenous offenders re-appeared, on average, 8.3 times over the eight-year follow-up period, while those whose first court appearance occurred when they were 10-14 years of age, reappeared, on average, 5.2 times over this period. Indigenous males, who were aged 10-14 at their first court appearance, re-appeared 12 times.
More than half (57 per cent) of the juveniles examined in the study went on to appear in an adult court within the eight-year follow-up period. The likelihood of a juvenile re-appearing in an adult court, however, was higher for Indigenous offenders, those with a prior record and males.
More than ninety percent of Indigenous juvenile offenders who were aged 16 at their first court appearance, ended up in an adult court and eighty-five per cent of this group with two or more Children's Court appearances went on to appear in an adult court. Interestingly, the principal offence for which a juvenile is first brought to court, is not a good indicator of whether they will re-offend. Roughly equal proportions of those convicted of property or violent crimes went on to re-offend.
The Director of the Bureau, Dr Don Weatherburn, said the study findings highlighted the critical importance of intervening as early as possible to break the cycle of juvenile involvement in crime.
"This is not a job that can be carried out by the Department of Juvenile Justice acting on its own. If we want to reduce the risk of a juvenile getting involved in crime we need to improve their family life, their school performance and their physical and mental health. This can only be done if the Government agencies responsible for juvenile justice, family services, education and health work together to reduce the risk factors for juvenile involvement in crime".
Further enquiries: Dr Don Weatherburn on 9231-9190 or 0419 494-408
By Lawlink posted 27 May 05
Of course its all pie-in-the-sky
"The Director of the Bureau, Dr Don Weatherburn, said the study findings highlighted the critical importance of intervening as early as possible to break the cycle of juvenile involvement in crime."
Of course the figures could equally be read as suggesting that there should be *less* early intervention in young people's lives - especially by the NSW criminal justice system.
As Joanne Baker of the Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research has shown, more than half of NSW young people have committed an imprisonable offence by the time they complete high school ("Juveniles in crime part 1: Participation rates and risk factors", Joanne Baker"). [BOCSAR, 1999).]
But the overwhelming majority of them are not caught, not charged and not dragged up before the Children's Court. And (what do you know?) they don't go on to become reoffenders, but rather become 'normal', 'law-abiding' citizens.
On the other hand, the heavily over-policed ones (e.g. Aboriginal kids) end up being dragged before the courts, stigmatised, told that they are criminals and locked up with a large group of other kids who have had the same experience. Lo and behold - they adopt criminal self-identification and go on to chronically reoffend.
No-one can argue against Weatherburn's suggestions of better health & education for disadvantaged communities. It sure beats more prison slots - which is the only thing the Carr government seems happy to invest in.
But please spare these kids the additional disruption and stigmatisation of having every government department and NGO shoving themselves into their lives in the name of 'early intervention' for 'kids at risk'. We've already had a long and sorry history of such 'early intervention' in Australia.
These days, we call the results 'the Stolen Generations'.
NSW: Frank Crook's article (Violence an desperate outlet for caged fury: Daily Telegraph Tuesday May 10, 2005) draws attention to abuse and degrading treatment of inmates in NSW reported twenty and thirty years ago, and a lack of accountability of management practices within the NSW Department of Corrective Services.
PRISON ACTION & REFORM INC: Tas Prison Complaints
TASMANIA: Prison Action & Reform was formed in response to the five deaths in custody that occurred between August 1999 and January 2000. Chris Wever, Vickie Douglas, Rose Macaulay, Judith Santos and others came to together to fight for reform in an outdated, increasingly cash-strapped and uncaring system. Of the original members, three lost loved ones to the Tasmanian prison system.
Department of Corrective Services fails to rehabilitate offenders NSW: Unpopular people will be forced to wear tracking devices at a cost of $5,000 dollars per unit because the NSW Department of Corrective Services failed to rehabilitate those offenders at a cost of $65,000 a year while they were held in custody for many years.
Corrected or Corrupted
A psychiatrist from the prison Mental Health Team attached to Queensland Health made the comment that 25 per cent of inmates suffer from a diagnosed mental illness.
ICOPA XI International Conference on Penal Abolition
We are excited to announce that ICOPA X1, the eleventh International Conference on Penal Abolition will happen in Tasmania, Australia from February 9 - 11,2006. Please pass this onto all networks.
Ex-Prisoner Locked Out of Prison
The NSW Department of Corrective Services (DCS) has revealed a policy which bans ex-prisoners from entering prisons.
Justice Action: Access to our community
NSW: Justice Action went to the NSW Supreme Court before the last Federal election on the constitutional right for prisoners to receive information for their vote. The government avoided the hearing by bringing prisoners' mobile polling booths forward. We pursued it after the election. This is the report.
Why We Oppose Home Detention
NSW: Justice Action opposes the use of Home Detention (HD). It damages the family and the home for others without any consideration of the effects, or acknowledgement of the costs. It discriminates by disproportionately effecting women. Families become prison guards to their loved ones, and the home becomes an extension of the State.
NSW POLICE Commissioner Ken Moroney has issued an ultimatum as well, to the lawless youths holding Sydney's streets to ransom?: Learn some respect or face jail?
Tough line on crime fills jails
The tough law-and-order policies of governments around the nation are behind an explosion in the prison population by almost 80 per cent in the past two decades.
I am a prisoner in NSW and I am currently held in Parklea Prison. I am concerned about what is going on in NSW prisons and this is my story.
Parklea Prison: No calls for six days
The last calls that were made out of Parklea Correctional Complex by my partner, an inmate in remand at Parklea, was on Wednesday 2 February. The phone lines for the inmates have been out of service to this date.
Prison visits in crisis in NSW
The reason I am writing today is to address a difficult situation that my husband and my family are going through. My husband is currently serving a sentence at Lithgow Correctional Centre in NSW.
Prison boom will prove a social bust
Hardened criminals are not filling NSW's prisons - the mentally ill and socially disadvantaged are, writes Eileen Baldry.
The prison system requires assiduous oversight
As NSW Attorney General Bob Debus noted in 1996: "The kinds of complaints which occur in the system may seem trivial to outsiders but in the superheated world of the prison, such issues can produce explosive results."
Crime and Punishment
Mark Findlay argues that the present psychological approach to prison programs is increasing the likelihood of re-offending and the threat to community safety.
Justice Denied In NSW Corrective Services
There used to be a (VJ) or Visiting Justice who would go into the prison and judge any claim or accusation that was made by any prisoner or prison guard. If it were found that a prisoner had offended then punishment was metered out.
Prison guards test positive for drugs
NSW prison visitors banned from using the toilet The visit is only for about one hour and any thing less than that is an insult. If it's proved that a visitor has broken the rules the punishment should apply to them. But collective punishment on all visitors should not be made general when others haven't broken the rules especially if it restricts all visitors from normal human needs like using a toilet.
NSW prison visitors banned from using the toilet
The New South Wales Government has introduced several initiatives to stop contraband getting into prisons they said last Friday. But under the guise of "stricter rules" the department had also introduced banning all visitors including children from using the toilet unless they terminate their visit at any NSW prison after using the toilet.
NSW Legislative Council's Inquiry on Home Detention
Justice Action's submissions Justice Action opposes the use of home detention, whether front-end or back-end, as a sentencing option in our criminal justice system.
Watchdogs slaughtered in NSW
On Tuesday the Carr Government reduced transparency and accountability yet again and New South Wales is in danger of becoming entrenched with cronyism and intimidations with the Carr Labor Government that continues to slaughter the watchdogs.