We are writing to you as a member of Global Alliance for Justice Education (Australasia) to determine the interest in a regional conference to be held during 2006.
Background to GAJE
Global Alliance for Justice Education (GAJE) (Australasia) is part of a worldwide organisation which brings together legal academics, law students, jurists, advocates and legal practitioners from around the world with the common goal of achieving justice through legal education. More information on GAJE can be found on its website.
Aims of a GAJE Regional Conference
There exists significant research and activity on social justice and legal issues in the Asia-Pacific region. However what is lacking is the opportunity for advocates, lawyers, students and communities to connect over these issues and develop new ways of working together. A GAJE regional conference can provide a forum where crucial issues can be discussed from a legal and social justice perspective.
We are currently in the early stages of planning and would greatly appreciate any thoughts you may have on possible conference themes. If you could complete the attached questionnaire and return it to us as soon as possible, that would be of tremendous benefit.
If you would like more information or have any questions, please feel free to contact us at the Kingsford Legal Centre
Phone: +61 2 93986366 (Monday) or (Wednesday)
Email: a.hartree@unsw.edu.au
Yours sincerely
Anna Hartree Tina Lian & Melissa Chu
KLC Coordinator Student law clerks
1. Would you be interested in attending a regional GAJE conference? Yes / No
2. Are you able to assist with the organisation of a regional GAJE conference?
Yes / No
3. If you have attended previous GAJE Conferences, please provide us with some feedback. (e.g. strengths and weaknesses)
4. What important social justice issues in the Asia Pacific region do you think
could be the themes for a regional conference? Eg
a. Immigration _________
b. Refugees _________
c. Anti-terrorism _________
d. Environment _________
e. HIV/AIDS _________
f. Womens rights -Violence against women _________
g. Indigenous justice _________
h. Taxation reform _________
i. Regional governance _________
j. Social security and welfare _________
k. Globalisation _________
l. Peace and security _________
m. Economic empowerment _________
n. Changing role of women _________
o. Other _______________________ _________
Please indicate your preference in the order of 1-5.
5. If a Conference was to be organised with a focus on the areas you have indicated above as your important issues, would you be interested to participate?
Yes / No
6. What would like to participate in during a Regional GAJE conference? (eg training, networking, debate and discussion, key note speakers
7. Please provide contact details of any other individuals or organisations who may interested in attending a regional conference?
8. Please indicate your preference for the location of the conference
a. Sydney _________
b. Melbourne _________
c. Brisbane _________
d. No preference _________
e. Other _________
9. Would you require assistance with any of the following to attend the conference:
a. Accommodation expenses Yes/ No
b. Travel expenses Yes/ No
c. Details of other assistance ________________________________
10. Any other comments?
By Anna Hartree, Tina Lian, Melissa Chu posted 26 April 05
Govt, police 'let off the hook' Haneef inquiry
16 years ago