One day the Good got distracted from its important matters - there was an interesting programme on TV, they've been showing cartoons - and the Good likes to watch cartoons. And came the Devil who's always wearing a medal on his breast - to make everybody think he's a man.
He came to the temple - where the Good was keeping its goodness - and took advantage of the absence of the Good: the Devil sawed off the cross, tore down the bell, demolished the wall, blocked the entrance with a pile of stones, put icons and valuables into a sack, put the priest into that sack, too, shouldered the sack and carried it far away.
Meanwhile, the TV programme was over, the Good came back to the temple and saw the devastation. The Good cleared the devastation, put soldiers around the restored goodness to protect it, and went seeking for the Evil to punish it.
The Good found the Evil - it was simple enough as the Evil was hiding nearby - put it into a sack and let it down into an ice-hole. And at this very instant the Good turned into the Evil.
But soon the Evil that was in the ice-hole got out from the sack and out of the ice-hole. But the Good that wasn't Good anymore but turned into the Evil, caught the Evil another time and cast it down the ice-hole again. And it happened this way several times.
There became too much Evil; there was only Evil all around. As they were fighting, the Evil never wanted to turn into the Good, while the Good turned into the Evil several times.
It seems to me that the Good becomes tired of being the Good all the time, and the Evil is never tired of being Evil. What can be done with that? (Monologue of a 10 year-old boy at a session).
"Children with problems are closer to the modern world outlook of an artist. A "normal" group most likely implies an outdated, stereotyped approach. It's guided by the "I do it well" principle, that is, in compliance with some rules. However, it's not the matter of creativity and self-expression. It makes one ponder about that." Vadim Flyagin, artist.
"The art therapy event that took place in the "Borey" Gallery has shown quite clearly that in the creative process the opposed notions "healthy" and "unhealthy" retreat into the background. Children and adults, who were creating wonderful objects in a common space, "translated" their emotions, feelings and personal experience into the language of art. Their unification went through symbolical communication - through artistic images, music, movement." Nana Zhvitiashvili, art critic.
"The idea of integrating the socially isolated groups is an important system-forming factor capable of changing life of not only handicapped people, but of the whole society by making it more open and sensitive to needs of all its members. The concept of rehabilitation as of the process leading to restoration of personal and social significance of a handicapped person equally addresses his personal needs and the surrounding everyday landscape." Natalia Martsinkevich, child psychoneurologist.
"Every person has his own answer to the eternal questions - "Who and What am I? What is the world I'm living in?" Creativity is that very path following which one seeks answers to these questions as well as means of answering. The insight into the creative moment yields strength to overcome obstacles and solve internal and external conflicts". Olga Platonova, psychologist.
"The phenomenon of surrounding natural and everyday landscapes - seemingly so irresistibly and irreversibly fixed once and for all - dwells, in fact, within us, in our intuitive ability and readiness for the creative transformation - of both ourselves and the World. These abilities just need help to reveal." V.A. Gousev, Director of the State Russian Museum.
"All life could be framed within art." Claire Manson, founder of "The Studio Upstairs"
By Claire Manson 14 March 05
An Outline of the Game of Life
What follows is a greatly simplified model of the purpose of life, as set out in far greater detail, and often with considerable obscurity, in various spiritual teachings from past ages. The Snakes and Ladders metaphor used here is a practical explanation, and is not deeply grounded in research and science (although some such forms of evidence do exist).
Dump Howard, old news.....
Fascist Prime Minister John HoWARd says he always reads and follows opinion polls and the latest survey shows the Government has a fight ahead of it.
Two years after the invasion of Iraq, there is more opposition to the war in the US, in the coalition countries, and all over the world than ever before.
Noble Cause Torture?
AUSTRALIA: The Labor Party has decided not to support a Senate inquiry into new allegations made by Mamdouh Habib that the Australian Government cooperated with Egyptian intelligence authorities who he insists tortured him.
Guantanamo challenge puts off Hicks trial
Australian [scapegoat] suspect David Hicks's 'military trial'?, has been further delayed due to the postponement of a separate legal challenge to the US's legal process for Guantanamo Bay detainees?
Detention Centres, Solitary Confinement
On Friday night the NSW Council for Civil Liberties awarded Sydney solicitor John Marsden honorary life membership. Julian Burnside was invited to make the speech in Marsden's honour. In the course of his speech, Burnside referred to the unregulated use of solitary confinement in Australia's immigration detention centres, criticising it as inhumane and also as unlawful.
Creative conflicts: Community Forum
NSW : The Forum on Australia's Islamic Relations.