Parents who send their children to private schools may be eligible to sue over poor academic results, according to a Queensland barrister and education expert.
Keith Tronc says statements from schools promising "all students will attain their full intellectual development" leave them open to legal action from parents.
Dr Tronc is presenting his Lawyers' Guide to Suing Non-Government Schools at a conference in Melbourne.
The executive director of the Independent Schools Association, Terry Chapman, says some schools are making extravagant promises.
"You'll often see statements made that are more in hope than expectation," he said.
"There is a need to be careful about those statements but it is true that all schools seek to maximise a child's performance against their potential.
"It really is a matter of balanced development of the whole child rather than this stuff about full potential, that's a bit over the top in my view."
Mr Chapman says Dr Tronc's suggestions could open up a lucrative field for the legal profession.
"I suspect it's a paper about how lawyers could earn some more money," he said. "I'm not sure that it's going to be very helpful to parents or schools but he does appear to think it's a ripe field for lawyers."
By Get Yourself A Lawyer 21 October 04
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