New South Wales Premier Bob Carr needs damning over bushfire prevention plans. What we need is Special Powers for the fire brigade and more money for resources instead of wasting public money on anti-terror police.
Bob Carr is hell bent on the fact that he can do no wrong and he is tunnel visioned.
Australia is prepared for war with Iraq but not prepared for fire in Australia?
Police have superpowers above the law and over 500 hundred people have no place to live because their houses burnt down.
Where did the bomb go off in Australia?
Where are the terrorists the police caught after they raided Muslim houses?
There have been fires that have burnt down people, property, stock and infrastructure.
Those people used the resources they had to fight these fires if any at all.
The army wasn't called in because they were too busy preparing for war on Iraq.
Critics say the Carr Government contributed to the bushfire situation. The Opposition and a number of Federal MPs have attacked the Carr Government over its hazard reduction strategies.
By Koala Bear 23 Jan 03
Carr rejects fire preparation criticism
New South Wales Premier Bob Carr has rejected claims that more could have been done to prevent the fires burning across the south-east of the state and the ACT.
Is this a message from the Universe? Australia is prepared for war with Iraq, but not prepared for fire on home soil. Canberra is still counting the cost of Saturday's devastating fires and preparing for another onslaught if conditions worsen during the week.
Govt, police 'let off the hook' Haneef inquiry
16 years ago