Come make a wish. I know it will come true, it did for me...
I don't know when your wish will come true, that remains the secret of the tree.
This lush and tranquil tree is waiting to take care of your wish before she has to go back to our wonderful Universe. How?
Well, at the top of the tree is the Angel who has fluorescent blue wings, in fact 'superflurient' the brightest light.Eve Cline a Frenchman invented
chromium blue pigment to enhance
paint. Cline
"I invited the spirit in and spoke at the same time", and that is how
I invented chromium.I think he was saying that 'to create one must be on
good terms, and at peace with our wonderful Universe'. Above the tree of dreams is the
Sun, who
never complains. Every morning the sun rises without a complaint. No winging, no pay rises. 'What is there, is all that there is from the Sun'.
At the bottom of the
Sun is the
Flow, the water moves around the rocks. A reed in a river
bends when there is a flood and
rises once more after the water has receded.So when things don't work out you can move on and just keep
cruising. Only when you can 'accept' what there is can you move on, making the most out of what you have got
(improvising). Then you're not wasting 'positive energy' by being negative about what is wrong and why.
So when the
clouds rise and the
rain stops in
'my time',
'your time' when you can
understand the process by
accepting and integrating your past experiences,
smiling perhaps. Hopefully,
creating and
achieving to help fill the
void left in your life.
Who knows you may even learn to
help someone while you're waiting...In the distance the
Sun looks across at the other side at the
Moon, Full moon leading your way into the dark.
OM, to pray.
Will to power, using invisible energy, love, peace, and kindness.The Chinese say, "by non action everything can be done".
A psychiatrist says "don't just do something, stand there".
So there you are, sparkling and shinning and the Angel can see you more clearly and can identify with you as a human being that does your best.
Now your dream can come true.By Gregory Kable 14 Nov 2002 Illustration: Based on The Tree of Dreams by Soheni Arora SOHENI ARORA'S (SHEENA'S) BLOGOnce upon a wonderous planetThe race of Innocents did live.The Gods were happy with the folkAnd gave them all they had to give.